Chapter Twenty-One: Vengeance Ambrosia.

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Hey! The song above you should listen to while reading this!
That's all!
On to the story!
The future....

"Ashton." I spit.

He smirks. "Why dear sister, is that anyway to talk to your brother?"

"I see no brother of mine here, just traitorous trash!" I growl.

The smile never falters even when he enters into the bar cell with us. When he entered a bar of light I could see that he looked a little worse for ware.

"Even for a brother who has returned from the dead?" He asks crouching in front of me.

"I wish you were still dead, but you look no better anyways. You're just a corpse on borrowed time." I tell him smirking.

"Come on now, Amb-"

I spit in his face. "Don't you call me that, don't you ever call me that again!"

His expression finally falters and a cold expression settles upon his face. He waves his hands once and two phantoms go over to Jay, unshackling him and then forcing him to his knees again while they hold both of his arms.

I struggle against the chains that held me to the wall, their clinking making my protest audible. "Don't you go near him, get away from him!" I snarl.

Ashton moves towards Jay, pulling out a shimmering red rope that I knew well, Jay's already shocked expression becomes horrified, his green eyes shimmering with fear.

"Don't- don't do this, you know what will happen if you do."

"Amelia, I didn't want it to go this way but you leave me no choice." He turns his head to look at me, the Scorpion whip glittering ominously in his hands. "Unless you tell me what I want to know... Where is Darrion?"

I look over at Jay, he shakes his head. "Don't..."

I shift my eyes back over to Ashton. "Go to hell."

He makes a disapproving sound with his mouth. "Very well, remove the boy's shirt." He orders the Phantoms.

They remove Jay's shirt, revealing his smooth pale skin.

"Last chance." He warns.

I glare at him.

The first hit comes down and I can see Jay grit his teeth together, his jaw clenching trying to keep in the hell that wanted to surface. This continued for several minutes until the scent of blood filled the air and you could see it sliding off of his back and on to the stone floor.

Sweat covered Jay's body mixing in with his blood, his complexion paler than usual.

"How about you, Jay?" Says Ashton kneeling down in front of him. "Won't you tell me where he is."

Jay looks up at him his green eyes resilient. And then he does the same thing I did to him earlier.

Ashton punches him in response the slap of flesh echoes across the room.

I pull my restraints again. "Don't you touch him! It's me you're after. He knows nothing."

Ashton chuckles, standing up and turning to face me. "You must take me for a fool dear sister, I know he knows something..." He strokes the whip. "But he won't tell me... So the only way to do that is to brake you dear, sister."

Suddenly there is a snap, and I hear Jay cry out in pain.

"Now tell me where he is or this will go much farther than you want it to."

"Don't you dare, don't you dare tell him a word!"

I look over at Jay to see him staring at me with a furious look in his eyes.

I shake my head. "Bite me."

And then the lashings started again but this time Jay couldn't hold in his screams so this time they echoed throughout the cell and I'm sure you can hear them up above.

Which each lash it intensified.

I struggle against the chains even harder, tears blurring my vision. I had to stop this, Darrion would figure out a way to stop them. "Stop it! Stop it, you're killing him!"

Ashton turns to look at me once again, Jay's body slumps forward, he seemingly finally passed out. "You can stop this-" he stops mid sentence looking at me very closely.

I follow his line of sight and look down at the illuminated spot where my necklace usually hung.

My eyes widen. shit, I've just given him all of the information he needed.

"Shit, how did I not notice sooner, of course he'd be there." Ashton mutters. He turns to the two Phantoms. "Leave him, I know where the target is." He says exiting the cell with a whirl, the two phantoms behind him.

The door clanks shut.

I turn my attention back to Jay, he hadn't moved since they let him go. "Jay, are you alright?"


"Little Fox answer me!"

I look at him facing me his usually bright green eyes are dark, staring sightlessly and I realize that I can't see his aura and couldn't sense a heartbeat.

"Jay..." A tear rolls down my cheek, and onto the stone floor.

And now it's my screams echoing through the cell.
Hey, people! *laughs nervously* hope you enjoyed this one! Please leave your thoughts and comments below, I appreciate it! Also don't forget to vote! Until the next time! ^_^/
The song above is called Vengeance by Zack Hemsey, from his sound track The Way.

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