Chapter Five: The Storms Arrives Darrion

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The storm I said was coming had arrived both figuratively and literally. The rain pelted me as the wind blew it horizontally. Thunder and lightning crashed above me, making brilliant light in the night sky that replaced the moon.

I hate it when I'm right...

Ambrosia had done exactly as I told her and gone to get Jay and Avi. I could feel that she had left with both of them and heading in the direction of the inn where I knew some of the other better fighters were staying. Knowing her she would be arriving with back up, and that was something I couldn't let happen, I wasn't sure yet if these men were human or something else. But who ever they were they are good. I hadn't realized that they had been following me until I saw Ambrosia standing outside.

I look at the three hooded figures in front of me. "It would be nice to know who I'm fighting."

"Where is the Shadow?" asks a monotone female voice.

"She's not here, but I can take a message in her place."

"I will give you one more chance, where is the Shadow? Refusal to cooperate will lead to eminent death."

"Well, I guess you will just have to kill me then."

At that moment all three of them move with speed that would seem inhuman to normal people with an untrained eye.

I don't have the means to use my full power nor am I in the right environment to do so... I guess I'll have to settle using it at most in my eyes and maybe to craft a weapon since I don't have Engel with me.

The first one was coming towards me with a knife. The other two would most likely try and hold me down as she struck me from this life. Sure enough when she got close enough I see the silvery glint as it began to come from underneath the cloak.

I grab her outstretched hand and take her legs out from underneath her, which was made easier because the ground was practically mud right now, and shove my knee underneath her elbow sending it in the wrong direction, the following crack told me that it had done its job.

I grab the dropped knife and stabbed the other one while kicking them in the knee cap, breaking it, and they crumbled to the ground the other one soon followed suit.

There was something strange, when I'd broken the first woman's elbow, she didn't make a sound, not a grunt or gasp, and neither had the other two.

Something is not right...

I hear the mud slush around as the woman and the other get up from the ground like none of their injuries never happened.

The other two stood on their twisted limbs and the woman stood with her twisted arms.

Are... Are they Phantoms?

I thought about the fearsome guards acquitted with high speed healing, un-godly speed, and the red eyes they were known for. But they didn't seem like the ones I know.

Maybe... An early prototype? If that's the case, then there's only one way to defeat them...

I wipe the rain from my eyes, though most of it wasn't a problem with the enhanced sight I had currently, and removed most of the mud from my hands.

I form the shape of the blades in both of my hands. They are called angel blades by those who have seen them because of the light that supposedly emanated from them, but I've always seen them as regular weapons, Engel, back at home gave me better control, that's what she was made for. But I didn't need her for what I was about to do here.

I rush towards the three Phantoms, all of their movements were slower because of the twisted limbs and I was able to take them out quickly their bodies dropping to the ground with a wet thunk most of the blood was being washed away by the rain. I look down at the bodies, my eyes widen. I hadn't been fighting people.

I'd been fighting corpses.

One woman and two men.

Those sick bastards.

I'd never seen a phantom in the early stages, when I thought those people couldn't get anymore vile, they always seem to surprise me.

I wish I could give them a proper burial...

I feel the hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

Someone's watching me.

I stand up and look in the direction that I felt it coming from, but as fast as it had come it was gone. The feeling disappeared, like they were never there.

I'd better get back before they leave me or get even more suspicious...

I head in the direction I felt Ambrosia's energy signature go earlier.


Once I arrived at the inn where the rest of them were, we immediately headed out of the town to meet up with the rest of the group. The rain had slowed down to a light drizzle though there is still thunder echoing and lightning flashing every few intervals as the storm moved away from us.

The ride is silent except for the horses neighing and huffing and their footsteps hitting the ground below them.

I could feel the weight of Ambrosia's gaze from under her hood as she glanced at me every so often, it was almost curious and I could practically feel her burning to as something.

"Is something wrong, Nightshade?" I ask, looking at her.

She slightly stiffens, though it was so small that a person who didn't know her wouldn't have noticed.

"No, it's nothing. It's just been a long night." She mutters.


I was waiting for her to continue.

"How, how'd you know about the storm? And those three people?" her eyes shine from under her hood with curiosity and maybe even a little fear?

"I... I'm very perceptive and this happened to be one of the times that I was unfortunately right." I face the front. "Maybe we can continue this conversation tomorrow after we've all had some rest?"

She's silent and I know that she is more than unsatisfied with my answer and was burning up inside about the fact that I was right about this.

Everything's happening so fast, I don't think she's ready to hear it. She doesn't trust me, she'll just think I'm crazy if I told her everything at once... but I'm going to have to do it soon...

I could feel the cold setting in from my water drenched clothes that clung to me, but it was nothing compared to the cold that was settling into my heart. The fear of the realization of what would happen if I failed this mission.

The necklace pulsates with warmth again. I grab onto it with one hand.

Hold on guys, just a little longer... I'm not going to fail you, it's absolutely not an option!


Hey, guys! Thanks again for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed the sound bit I added in! Let me know if I should do more stuff like that in the future! What do you think of the Phantoms? Do you think Darrion will be able to tell Ambrosia without her nearly killing him because she thinks he's a nut case? Until next time! ^-^


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