Road Trip Day 4

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*Meghan's POV*

I wake up to the dull alarm clock. I rub the sleep from my eyes and yawn. Meredith is in the bathroom, probably asleep on the toliet or something weird like that. The TV is off now, she must have turned I off since we both fell asleep watching it last night.

I stand up, untwisting my Nike shorts and Pink sweatshirt. I pull my hair back into a messy bun for the time being. I will redo it before I go anywhere.

I stare into the mirror. I don't have acne, and my golden skin is just the right shade from the sunlight I have gotten. I sigh, turning away. I never really like looking at myself, it isn't comfortable. You know how some girls obsess abut being perfect and having everyone like them? Yeah, that isn't me.

I hear the sink turn on in the bathroom, and a few seconds later Meredith comes walking out. She too has her hair in a bun, but her hair is wet, and it is twisted into a tight ballerina bun. She is wearing skinny jeans and a flannel shirt with a sweater over it. Her makeup is simple like always.

I go into the bathroom, my clean clothes draped over my arm.

I turn on the shower, undress, and then hop in. I take my time, letting the water pour down my back.

After a good hour of showering, I get out. I get dressed into black skinny jeans, an oversized white sweater, grey knitted infinity scarf, and combat boots. I curl my hair into loose curls and pin a chunk back. I do my makeup like normal, but I decide to make my eyeliner winged instead of plain.

I go out of the bathroom and see Meredith sitting on the bed with her laptop. She is skyping her sister. I pop in behind her and wave. I say a quick "hi" and then leave them alone. I shoot a quick text to my mom.

Hey, Mom. Just wanted to let you know that we are doing good. We are in New Mexico, and will stop in Arizona tonight! XXX -Meg

My Mom replies a few minutes later.

Meghan! We miss you here! Text or call when you get to Arizona. Xo -Momma

I don't bother replying and instead call my little brother.

Hey, Mike!
Hey! How's it going?
Good. We are in New Mexico right now.
Cool. Who are you gonna see at Comic Con?
Um, for sure the Arrow and Avengers cast, probably more too.
Awesome! Oh crap, I gotta go.
Call me when you get there!
Alright. Bye.

I sigh, setting my phone onto the dark wood table. I go to my laptop bag and pull out my laptop. Set in on the table next to my phone.

buzzfeed quizzes, I search on google. I click the link and scroll through all the strange, new quizzes. I see one called, "Can We Guess Your Age and Gender from 14 Would You Rather Questions?" Hmm, sounds interesting. I click on the picture and take the quiz. Woman in her mid-late 20s.

"Wait, who?!" Meredith asks loudly. I can't help but turn and look at her. She has her headphones in now, but is still talking to her sister.
"No way!" She says.

I turn back to my laptop and check my emails. I log into my account and see that I have 24 new messages. I scroll through them, but more than half are notifications from Twitter and Instagram. I delete all the notifcations and still have 7 new emails. I open one from my friend, Victoria.

Hey! So where are you now?! Send me pictures when you get there! I miss you already! ♥Tori

I send her a reply.

Oh my gosh, hey! Of course! I miss you too! ♡Meg

I reply to all my other emails and then log off of my laptop. I stand up and pace back and forth. I pause at the mini fridge and bend down to open it. I have a little bit of Powerade left from the night before. I had gotten it before I went to bed, because they have vending machines near the pool and I really wanted one. I drink the rest of it and chunk the bottle in the trash.

"Meghan," Meredith says, pulling out her headphones.
"Your mom is here," she turns her laptop towards me.

I hop over to the bed and sit down beside Meredith. We all three talk for about 30 minutes and then say good-bye so we can get going.

It is now 9:15 am. We stayed later than we had been, but it doesn't matter. We can get to our hotel in Arizona as late as we need to.

Meredith and I pack up our stuff and head to the car. We pack our car and I go back inside to return the room key. Once everything is ready for us to leave I can finally relax and enjoy the ride, although I am the one driving.

3.5 hours into the drive.
"Can we stop at this gas station really quick?" Meredith asks, pointing to a Shell station at the next exit.
"Sure, what do you need?" I reply.
"I wanted to get a snack cake and drink," she answers.
"Oh, okay," I say, turning off the highway onto the exit.

I pull into a parking space. The tank is full so we do not need any gas. I decide to go inside too, so I am not alone.

We get inside and Meredith alks straight to the honeybuns and donuts. She gets one honeybun and then goes to the drinks. I let her walk away and try to make my mind up with whether or not to get anything. I go to the chip related section and get a small bag of cheese chex mix and then go to the drinks. Meredith is contemplating over getting tea or juice Snapple. I decide to get a coffee instead of a cold drink. I put a creamer and sugar in mt coffee before going to the counter to pay. We buy our food and drink and get back in our car.

"Here, let me move my water," I say, so Meredith can put the Watermelon Snapple so bought in the cupholder. I put the car in drive and slowly start pulling out.


"I think so!" Meredith answers.

I jump out of the car to see what we hit. I see another car that was pulling up behind us. I didn't notice them as I was pulling out.

"Oh my gosh! Is your car okay?!" I ask, only glancing up before running to the back of the car to see if your car is ruined. Thankfully our car looks worse than theirs, and ours isn't even that bad.

"I am sooo sorry! I didn't see you there," I say looking up at the person who's car I hit.

"Wait. Meghan?" He says, looking at me.

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