Chapter 9

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Melody's POV:
When we get home, I crash on my bed and go strait to sleep.


"Hey, emo." Julie said. I just kept walking. "I said hey. Why didn't you answer me?" She said as she grabbed  my hair.

"I-I" I manage to get out.

"Aww.... Is M-Mel-lody having an anxiety  attack?" Julie mocked. I start crying and she drops me and starts hitting and kicking me.

"Please, stop, please." I cry.

"Melody, Melody, MELODY!" I hear some one call.

*end of dream*

"Melody, Melody." I hear a male voice call. I cling to the closest thing to me, which happens to be Gee, and start crying.

"Hey, hey. You good?" Gee asks.

"Uh.. Yeah, just a n-nightm-mare." I stutter out.

"You wanna talk about it?" He says. I shake my head. "Ok, do you wanna go back to sleep." I shake my head vigorously. "Ok, since it's-" He looks at his phone. "6:30 do you wanna go ahead and go get breakfast?" I nod. "Ok, go get dressed and we'll go get some breakfast." I nod and he leaves the room.

As I get up, I realize I'm still in the I was in yesterday. I get up and put on some skinny jeans and a Les Miz t-shirt. What? I'm a huge musical theater nerd. I put on my converse, grab my iPod and headphones, and head downstairs.

Gee was already downstairs ready to go. We walk out to the car and head off to go some where.

"So, do you want McDonalds or Starbucks?" He asks.

"Starbucks." I say. I put in my headphones and choose a random song from my playlist.

"You know you can plug up your iPod into the car and listen to it out loud." He says.

"I'm good." I say.

"Ok." He says. The truth is that I really don't want to listen to it out loud. It's harder to listen to the harmonies and here all of the parts when it's played out loud. "What are you listening to?" He asks.

"Shuffle of my music on my iPod." I say.

"So, you're not going to tell me?" He asks.

"Pretty much." I say. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just not a morning person. After a few more minutes, we arrive at Starbucks.

"What do you want?" He asks as we walk in.

"Java chip frap. Grande." I say.

"Nothing to eat?" Gee asks.

"Nope, I don't really eat breakfast." I say.

"Ok, cool. I'm gonna go order. You can go find a seat." He says. I walk over to a table in the corner. I connect to the Wifi and a flood of text from my friends flow in.


M- Hey guys.
An-She's ALIVE
S-She's not dead!
Ab- Hey Mel.
Mel- So, what's been going on at school?
S- People don't notice you're gone so it's been going on like normal.
An-So what's been going on with u?
M-Nothing. I'm at Starbucks and then we are going shopping.
Ab- I got to go bye
An- me too bye
S-ok bye everyone

I put my phone up as Gee comes over with the coffee.

"What was that?" He asks.

"I was texting my friends." I tell him.

"Cool, we probably need to get home before Lynz wakes up." He says as he checks his phone. "Don't want to worry her."

"Yeah" I say and with that we get up and head to the car.

A/n: I lied. Next chapter will be Mel decorating her room. Any way, see yall tomorrow or Saturday, whenever I update. BYE!!!!!

Song of the Day: Extraordinary Girl by Green Day

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