Chapter 18

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We pull up to the school and I already hate it. It's full of fake barbies and kens who think they are better than anyone else because they are rich. I groan.

"I know, but pretty much every school in California is like this." Dad says. "Well, you got to go. School starts at 8 it's 7:55." I nod and get out of the car. Dad rolls down the window. "Don't forget to get your schedule from the front office. I'll be out here at 3. Love you."

"Love you, too. See ya." I say. He waves and drives off. I walk into the building and start getting weird looks. I hold the straps to my backpack and keep my head down.

"MELODY!!" I hear. I look up and see a dirty blonde midget running towards. At least I have friends here I think.

"Hey," I say. Marie is in front of me with Amelia and a someone who I didn't recognize following.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming here." Amelia says.

"I didn't either and on that note do you know where the front office is?" I ask.

"Yep, follow us." Marie says. We round the corner of the hallway and the office is right there.

"We'll wait for you out here." Amelia says and starts talking to the girl I didn't know. I walk in and walk up to the desk.

"Hi. I'm new." I say.

"What's your name, sweetie?" The receptionist says a little to cheery.

"Melody Mahaffey I mean Way." I say. Where did Mahaffey come from?

"Ok, here's your schedule and ID. Do you have a lanyard?" She asks.

"Yes." I say holding up my ATL lanyard.

"Ok, have a nice day!" She smiled. I gave her a toothless smile and walked out the door. When get out there, Marie grabs my schedule.

"Ok, you have drama and music with the 3 of us and dance with me." She says. I nod. Amelia grabs my schedule and looks at it.

"And you have all your academics with Janelle." Amelia says. I looked at her with a confused face. She points tithe third girl and I nod. "She likes the same things as us." She whispers into my ear. I nod. The bell rings.

"Follow me." Janelle says. I nod and follow. We head to inter grated math 1 (A/n that's a high school course I'm taking in 8th grade. I have no idea why it's called that instead of algebra 1 but yeah.)since that is my first period. "The math teacher is Ms. Cook. She's kinda easy going and is really nice." I nod. We get to her class room and I follow Janelle to the back of the class room. We sit at a table with 2 boys and a girl. I soon learn their names are Jeff, Nick and Amelia. Great 2 Amelia's. I wonder if they call my Amelia by Maz. Everyone used to call her that at the orphanage. The class is finally over and we head to our next class.

It turns out I have all my academics with that group of people and all of my arts with everyone except Jeff, Maz and Marie. He has double dance while every one else goes to Art and Maz has double drama while everyone goes to drama again while everyone goes to art. We are now heading to lunch. I don't really eat lunch so I just went ahead and headed to a table. I see Marie and Maz already sitting at a table and head over to them. "Hey."

"Hey." They say.

"How's your day been and did you meet Jeff, Nick, and Amelia?" Marie asks.

"Good, yes, and do I need to start calling you Maz again?" I ask Maz.

"You can. I haven't told them to call me that....yet." She says. I laugh. We start to talk about random things until the other 4 get here.

"Hey." Janelle says.

"Hey." We say.

"What's up?" Jeff says as he gets to the table.

"The sky and nothing." I say. Maz and Marie bust out laughing and I join in soon after that. Jeff just sits there confused.

"It's an inside joke." Marie says in between laughing. He nods as Nick and Amelia comes over to the table.

"What's so funny?" Nick asks.

"Nothing." I manage to get out. The laughter finally dies down and we sit in awkward silence.

"So, I'm guessing y'all know each other?" Jeff says.

"Yep, we were in the same orphanage." Maz says. Marie and I nod in agreement.

"Cool." Jeff says. The bell rings and we all head to drama.

"Hello everyone, so today we will get started on writing a play or musical for this years production." Ms. Collins says. I immediately get out my note book and start jotting down ideas. I spend the rest of the period doing this and then it's time to head to dance.

Dance goes by fast. All we did was review some basic ballet. Now we have art. I love this class! Mostly because I get to draw my own characters that I use in stories. The teacher tells us to draw what we would like. I start drawing this character I have named Soxzo. The period goes by quickly and then we are off to music.

A/n: HELLO! This took a long time to write but it was fun! So the next chapter will be music class and I feel like that needs its own chapter. So yeah, BYE!

Song of the Day: Do I Want To Know? By Arctic Monkeys

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