Chapter 11

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After the movie, we all headed up to bed. It was Saturday tomorrow and I apparently start school on Wednesday since Monday and Tuesday no one has school. I put in my headphones and attempt to go into a peaceful sleep but we all know it will be anything but peaceful.


I was falling. I could hear voices in the distance, but couldn't understand them. I hit the ground with a thud. I could hear the voices.

"Worthless. Fat. Ugly. Talentless. Unimaginative. Unimportant."

I couldn't tell who was saying them. A figure came up to me. It was Gerard.

"You worthless child. Why did I ever adopt you?" He spat.

I try to convince myself it was just a dream. A really bad nightmare. I was curled up into a ball when I heard singing. I looked up. He was gone but I could hear the music. I got up and went towards the music. I could see four guys insight when I started falling. I kept falling.

I woke up. Next thing I knew, I was sitting up on my bed. I hear my door creak. I flinched. I look over to the door and see it was Bandit. My expression softens when I see the scared look on her face. I motion her over and she practically runs to my bed. She starts crying.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I ask.

"N-Nightmare." She says.

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask.

"M-Mommy and D-Daddy were fighting and sent y-you back to the o-orphanage a-and they s-sent m-me w-with y-you." She says.

"Mom and Dad won't send either of us to the orphanage. They love us very much. You know that right?" I say. She nods. I check my iPod. It's 2:00 am. "Ok, let's try and get some sleep and then we'll do something tomorrow. Ok?" She nods.

"Can I stay in here with you?" She asks. I nod. We get under the covers. She snuggles up to my chest and falls asleep. I fall shortly after. Little did we both know was that Gee was outside the door and had heard the whole thing.

A/n: Ba-Bam! 2 chapters in one night. Hope y'all enjoyed a little sister fluff. BYE!!!!

Song of the Day: Dark Side By R5

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