Chapter 13

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I wake up and see no lights on outside the door. I check my phone and see it's 12:30. I decided to go down to my studio. I walk out of my room and tiptoe down the stairs. I go to my studio and pick up my new viola. I start playing scales. My iPod starts buzzing. I see Sue is trying to FaceTime me. I answer it.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, where are you?" She asks.

"In my studio."


"Do you want a tour?"

"Sure. Abby, Ann, come here." She calls. She must be having a sleep over with them. They do that a lot.

"Hey, Mel." Ann and Abigail say.

"Hey." I say. "So, do want the tour?" They nod. "So, this is the room." I spin to show them. "Here is something I painted on the wall. Here are all my instruments, and here is my desk. I'm gonna get a dance floor and mirror put in later."

"Cool, where did you get the instruments?" Abigail asks.

"My dad got them for me."

"Kewl." There was silence.

"Guess who I saw at the mall."

"Who?" Ann says.

"Amelia and Marie." I say.

"Cool, how are they?" Sue asks.

"Good, I add them to the chat." I say.
"I also got a phone."

"Cool, what's your number?" Abigail asks. I give them my number and tell them that I had to go. I hang up and head upstairs. I go back to my room and realize I never put my clothes away. I put them in my closet, organizing them by color and type of clothing. (A/n: Exactly like I have my closet.) It wasn't that hard since I only have four colors: black, blue, gray, and white. I don't really wear that much color.

When I finish, I get on my phone. I downloaded all my social media and logged in. I put my headphones on and scrolled through tumblr until I fell asleep for the second time.


I woke up around 8:00 am the next morning. I walk downstairs and see breakfast had been served. I start nibbling at the biscuits. Again, not a big breakfast fan but I try to eat it every once in a while. I finish one half of the biscuit and decide I'm done. I go to my studio and get out my electric guitar. I've decided this is probably my favorite room. I start to play the beginning riff to NA NA NA I hear a knock at my door.

"COME IN." I yell.

"Hey, you're probably gonna hate me for this, but we are leaving in a bit to go get you school stuff." Dad says. My face drops. It's not that I hate school, it's just I hate the people who also have to go to school. Some of them are so immature that I have called the people at my old school apes. Dad leaves the room and I'm not far behind him.

I go up to my room and start getting ready. I put on a Fall Out Boy tee shirt and some skinny jeans. I run a brush through my hair and put on some eyeliner and mascara. I grab my phone, iPod, and headphones and head downstairs.

"Wow, your fast." Mom says.

"Yeah, because when you wake you up at the last minute and have ten minutes till you have to catch a bus, you kinda have to be." I say. She nods. Dad comes down the stairs with Bandit and we head out.

A/n: Hello! Hope y'all had a good Labor Day in America and if you live anywhere else I hope you just had a good day. I know I did. *stretches from the Dan Howell browsing position* I'll see yall tomorrow or write for yall tomorrow, technically. Anyway, Bye!

Song of the Day: Granger Danger By Starkid (if you are a Harry Potter fan and have never seen AVPM, go watch it. NOW. It's on YouTube.)

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