Chapter 6

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xXMadnessXx Copyright © 2013

Chapter 5

Truth, Lies and a Little Bit of Tears.

Nichole, Lance and my father all sat in the living room of my house, all looking at a person across from them. I couldn't see the face, but all three had a solemn expression on their face. 

"I guess we're all here for a reason," Nikki said, she looked scared afraid to talk, that if she did the world would end in a heartbeat. 

I couldn't see the person sitting across their face but I felt the betrayal the person was feeling, the anger and sadness in their soul. There was pain as well, it made me want to know who the person it made me feel off about the moment. 

The fact that I recognized the faces made this dream off, the fact I couldn't see this as though I wasn't there made it even off. 

"We're sorry. It's not something to say like an open book." Lance said. 

I bolted up from my bed sweating and panting. I could have finished the premonition but the emotions were too over powering and too real, in the matter. 

I looked at my bedside table and saw that it was four-thirty in the morning the sun still hadn't rose but my mind was wide awake. 

The past week since I turned I've been spending after school training with Sebastian and trying to make everything with Nichole, Lance and my father seem normal, but every time I trained with the boys it all hit me that normal was far from my line of view. I ignored the suspicion questions Nikki gave at each chance and the concern looks from Kassidy as she sat with Nikki, Lance, Sebastian, the boys and I, it was all too much to handle. The lying in their faces seemed too difficult, considering they are my family. 

I never confronted Lance nor Nikki about their love life. I saw the vibrant look in Nikki's eyes whenever she left lunch early or would mysteriously disappear after school. I knew that whatever thing her and Mr Connor had going on wasn't just sex. Lance seemed infatuated with Kassidy, he looked at her with a dazed look every time she said something remotely interesting at lunch or anytime. 

Sebastian trained me to my bone and also gave me lessons on packs and wolves. I never questioned him on his behaviour when we trained nor did I question him on what I saw when I touched him. I knew he saw it too, I felt it there was a connection that I knew he saw. He was just stubborn to answer my dying curiosity to know. And no matter how much he told me about wolves and packs I knew there was more i still have questions that need answer, I still have the questions as to why my body and feelings feel different around him. It's like every time I'm with Sebastian I feel a certain giddy bubbly feeling. I always feel safe. The tingles I keep getting in my stomach when he makes sly comments make everything worse. 

My knowledge on werewolf history really increased from the bits and pieces of information I got from Google. Sebastian told me able the rankings they had, that each pack had their rankings. He told me that his pack was one of the top three packs in all of US, his home territory was only a couple miles out of our town. Sebastian also said that the reason his pack was here was to join the pack in my town, apparently there is on here. 

Since Sebastian was Alpha he had to have a Beta, a second in command, meaning that Damon was his right hand man. I thought that was a great match because Damon had more maturity than the other boys. It was like that for all packs, they had the Alphas' and the Alpha’s Beta. They were chosen from trust levels and how capable the person would be in the position of Beta. 

A rogue was technically an out casted wolf or one that chose to leave pack civilization. They were wild and ruthless wolves who saw joy in bloodshed and war. They many sought authority and power, but then there were those rogues that had no choice but to leave their packs. Those ones would be ones that tried to live human life and in orderly ways, not the wild animal ways. Sebastian even put that he had a burning anger in all rogues that he saw, he had no mercy when it came to them. He was heartless when he killed them, I noted that rogues must have triggered something in his past. 

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