Chapter 1

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xXMadnessXx Copyright © 2013

Chapter 1

A Stupid Brit, Hungover Domican girl and Me. Yeah, we can be the freaking the Breakfast Club for all I care.

My lungs burned, but I had to keep running. I'm almost there. My legs pumped faster and faster I never stopped. The true dawn-wind was blowing through my hair sweat was running its own trail down my face.

All this speed and adrenaline I feel only makes me want to go faster, go longer. I'm close I see the house...

A little more.

30 seconds and I beat the limit.






And there- I made it. There I was in front of my be-loved father. He smiled wide- like me when I was a child. I took this as the sign of success.

"How... Was it." I panted, my legs didn't feel weak but the cool air was burning my lungs. It was worth it, I felt free, like the flying birds in the sky.

"Great! I can't believe it kiddo! You just can't stop amazing me, fifteen seconds to spare"- he said grabbing me into a hug- "I'm so proud of you. Don't ever forget my love for you."

"I love you too, dad. I know." My words were reassured with hugging back to him. "Dad? I need to take a shower before school. Do you mind letting your puma go?" I said with humour.

He chuckled but also let go. The look in my father's golden- unnatural- eyes showed pure proudness and love. My old-man really did love me. I smiled and kissed his cheek before running, more like sprinting, up the stair into my bedroom.

Opening the door I was greeted with violet walls filled with framed-paintings done by my mother. It makes me know she's with me. My queen sized bed had some books spread over the black-purple comforter. Before going into the bathroom, for my morning rituals, I quickly organized most books onto my black work desk - textbooks I put in my bag.

My shower was cool and refreshing. The warm, but also cold water went down my body and relaxed my hard worked muscles. After a minute of standing I grabbed my lavender and green apple shampoo and messaged my scalp.

Once I was certain that my body was clean I swiftly-yet carefully- came out the shower and rapped a towel around my nude body. When my clothes were on- consisting of blue skinny jeans, my favourite 'Red Sox' jersey and a pair of converse- an odd thought came to mind. I never had a dream of what's to come. Actually that was the first night I slept in complete darkness.


I shrugged that bizarre thought and went to eat breakfast. Grabbing my bag and descending the stair I was greeted once again with my father and the smell of coffee with the hint of pancakes.

"So, does my daughter want to tell me why she woke up at 4:00 in the morning looking just about ready to run a marathon?" he asked, while passing me my breakfast.

I shrugged "I don't know. Just felt weird like I had to run. But real question is why we're you awake at the time. I really wasn't even expecting you up now too, considering you came home from work at 11:35. What was that about?" My facial expression was sceptical. With that I started to eat my pancakes and apple.

He was up when I was planning to run, and I usually don't start my morning run until six but last night I felt off. He shouldn't have been awake though! My dad always time my runs at home, but this time I really didn't expect him up. He had a rough day at work. I mean he was the best doctor this small town in Astoria, Oregon had.

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