Chapter 5

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xXMadnessXx Copyright © 2013

Chapter 5

Ugh. Why must everyone state the obvious?

 Once again I was woken up by the worlds most annoying sound- my phone. What came over me to choose that ring tone? Groaning I smashed my hand on my phone-which was on my night stand- and put it to my ear. Do people not know what time it is? I need my sleep! 

"What?!" I shouted on the other line with a hoarse voice. Looking at the clock on next to my bed I cursed myself, it was 6:30. I was late for the little meet with Sebastian and his goons, well in my case I'll call them his lap dogs. It makes great sense to be truthful. 

"Is that how you always greet your father. I'm practically feeling the love in your beautiful voice." My dad said with sarcasm, I rolled my eyes. He knows I'm usually not the friendliest person when it comes to my food, sleep, and...well a lot of things.

"I just woke up. Apparently my napping is not important to you daddy." My voice was mimicking a five year old. I heard him scoffed, he knew even if he did point out that my greeting wasn't proper that I wouldn't change. Come to think of I'm sure I got that from my mom. From the little I've heard about her from my dad, she was a straight -to-the-point-person and never cared about "proper" greetings. I smiled at the thought, Go team girls. 

"Okay, I know how you are about your sleep and I don't have to  ask if your attempt at cooking didn't burn the oven," I was fifteen, in my diffense it said wait five minutes and I thought cranking the heat up would cook faster," so I have a late shift tonight in the E.R. I won't be home until around late night. So you can order take out or if you don't burn down the house you can make a oven pizza. I feel safer knowing you ordered pizza though." Nice faith you have in me. 

"Har har. Okay fine. But be safe and call me when you get off work." I didn't need him coming home to an empty house,"Oh and I'm starving, got to go bye!" I hung the phone. Got out of bed and walk to the kitchen. I may not know how to use an oven that well but I could make a mean sandwich. 

After devouring two sandwich like a cave-woman I went back upstairs and changed into my track pants and a loose T-shirt that said Question? Authority?. Sighing I went into my baby and drove to the empty parking lot of the school. I got out grabbed my phone and went to the forest line of the woods behind my school. 

The school was empty so it wasn't hard to find the four boys standing there with annoyed, angry and blank expressions. Just to irritate them more I plastered a large smile and walked right up to them. Once there i saluted them.

"Reporting for duty Captain Sebby, and lap dogs." Damon growled at seeming more than all of them guys. I noticed the mystery boy snickered, which caused the three other guys turn to him and scowl him. 

"Your late." Sebastian noted. 

"No, really! I thought I was early!" I was really getting annoyed.I know the sarcasm in my voice was unnecessary but I could care less.  Why do people have to always state the obvious? 

Mystery boy laughed again and Sebastian gave him a look that made him quiet instantly and bow his head in respect. I raised my eyebrow, who was he to be bowed to.

"Hey, Blondie. What's you're name?" I asked the unknown blond. He was the only one out of the whole crew I haven't seen in the senior halls. Maybe he doesn't go to high school? Nah, he looks too young to be in college or older. 

"I'm Stefan Santiago, Sebastian's younger brother," he greeted me while sticking his hand out for me to shake. I shook his hand and looked at him intently, he had no similarities to Sebastian. Stefan had blond hair and blue eyes, where as Sebastian had a darker shade of blond hair with hazel eyes. The facial structure had a little bit of resemblance. Stefan's looked more relaxed and laid back and Sebastian looked intimidating and serious. Sebastian carrying himself with power and arrogance. 

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