Chapter 7

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xXMadnessXx Copyright ©2013

 Please excuse mistakes

Chapter 7

'So much for big and might Alpha.'

Running through the woods was the most relaxing thing I’ve done all week. The early morning air hitting my face and the birds singing annoyingly in trees to wake lazy people up. Yep, got to love the morning.

Waking up at four o’clock in the morning seemed to be a common occurrence whenever I was feeling shitty. That and there was when my future telling powers were not working.  Don’t get me wrong sleeping restfully at night is better than the feeling you get when drunk out your mind, but in my case I had an uneasy feeling because anything could happen.

 Panting after the long run, I bent over with both hand on my knees. I looked in front of me to see the sun rising of the horizon. The place I was at was beautiful too, it was a clearing with a cliff that over see’s the town. Just the perfect view to sit at.

I sat at the edge of the cliff and just looked at everything, breathing in the morning air and watching as people began to get up and do whatever it was they were doing on a Saturday morning. I scoffed, probably going to work.

I closed my eyes and focused on all the sound around me, using my abilities and trying to see if I heard from farther distances. I heard people in their houses getting up, which was beyond creepy, and heard cars from miles away.

Not too far away from me the sound of feet pounding on the ground caught my attention, that and that they were coming in my direction. On instinct I jumped into the tree a few feet away from me in a matter of seconds. Props goes to having a vampire dad.

A midnight blue huge wolf came pattering to the edge of the cliff, definitely not alert. I quickly jumped from the tree landing on the ground without a sound. Which was weird because I’m sure I have  weight. It was unusual how I could easily land without a sound and it would feel as though I landed with a thump at least. 

An idea quickly came to my mind, I smirked thinking of the fun I would have. I purposely stepped on a tree branch causing it to snap.

The wolf quickly turned around, only I was faster and hid behind a tree. I inwardly laughed when I saw it cock its head in curiosity and shake its head. Definitely a werewolf.

I sneakily peaked out my head and watched the wolf sniff the air before turning back to look at the view, seeming to not have found anything. Using my Flash like speed I ran behind the wolf, right when I got by the wolf turned, just what I wanted. I jumped into a tree right when it growled.

Once up the tree, swiftly my feet move to the next and then to another causing the midnight blue wolf to move around so fast I’m surprised it didn’t get whiplash, that’s if werewolves could. Once at the very top of the tree right in front of the wolf I stopped and looked down, watching as the beautifully coloured wolf ran around sniffing and looking.

After a while it came back to the same spot and looked stumped and angry, judging by the continuous growls and snarls. In my sick mind I was laughing, on the outside I bit my lips to stop from busting in hysterics and probably killing myself from falling down this tree.

Once my mind was calmer and controlled I jumped down behind the midnight wolf without a sound. I stood there biting my lips I whistled to get its attention then materialized in front of the tree now behind him again.

Accidently I stepped on a leaf and made a crunch sound. I hate fall sometimes. The wolf turned around, and using the seconds I had I jumped but ended up on the wolves back. Which probably was a bad thing because the beast started growling and kicking like a maniac.

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