Chapter 13

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"You stabbed him in the freaking eye! You said you were going to convince him! Not hurt him!" Drew has been yelling at me for the past 10 minutes. "Plus, everyone knows we did it! We're probably going to become factionless! That wasn't bravery, that was cowardice! Oh my god, we are so dead." I stare at Drew for a few seconds, then punch him in the stomach and he doubles over. "Don't you ever call me a coward. If anyone here is a coward, it sure as hell isn't me." I whisper angrily, and he nods.

* * *

So far, the second stage of initiation is the most boring time ever in Dauntless. For the past 10 minutes, we've been sitting in a dark hallway, waiting for Four to come and get us. Finally, the girl next to Tris says, "So. Which one of you is ranked first, huh?" Everyone is silent, eating for Edward, but he isn't here.

"Me," I say, clearing my throat. Nonchalantly, she says, "Bet I could take you," that posses me off, and she can tell. "I. Second, but I bet any of us could take you, transfer." I respond coldly, "I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Who's first?" Drew shoots me a look, probably wondering if ill stab them in the eye.

"Uriah, and I'm sure. You know how many years we've spent preparing for this. Before I can throw something back at her, Four opens the door, and calls out, "Lynn." The girl stands up and walks towards Four, smirking at me. I glare back at her. Will and the boy named Uriah start talking bout how its unfair that they've gotten previous training, and I tune them out.

20 minutes later, Four pokes his head out again and calls "Peter." I stand up stiffly, and walk through the door. Inside is metal chair, just like the one from my Aptitude Test. "Sit down." I sit, and I get goose bumps from the coldness of the metal. "What is the simulation?" I say.

"One of your fears." He says, not looking at me. He holds up a large syringe filled with orangish liquid, and taps the side of my neck. "This is going right here." I nod, trying to act brave. He turns my head, and pushes the needle into my neck. It makes my neck ache. "The simulation will start in sixty seconds," he says, walking over to the computer in the corner. "You will be inside the simulation until you become calm and your heart rate slows down again. Get ready." I sit there, counting off the seconds, and I close my eyes.

When I open them again, I am in the training room, and Four is standing at the board, about to hang up our rankings. He says, "Only the person who is ranked first will move on. The rest of you will be killed."I smile, knowing that I am ranked first. Four hangs up the board, and everyone presses forward. I move slowly, smugly, taking my time. When I get to the board, I see something that isn't supposed to be there:








Second? No! That isn't how it's supposed to be! Four and Tris walk out of the room, leaving the 6 of us behind. All of a sudden, there are tons of Dauntless members, all with some type of weapon, and they are closing in on me. The other initiates are gone, and I start panicking.

"Help! Someone! HELP!" The Dauntless just keep coming closer. I throw a punch at the one closest to me, but they easily block it, and they use their knife to make a gash in my arm. I cry out, and blood drips off my arm. I manage to kick the man on my right in the stomach, and when he doubles over, I elbow him in the back. He crumples to a heap on the floor, and I grab his knife.

I slash at the people around me, but they are barely affected by the knife. They just keep coming closer, like zombies. I remember what Four said, "You will be inside the simulation until you become calm and your heart rate slows down again."

I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself, just as someone presses a gun barrel to my forehead. It's Four. "Don't make me pull the trigger. You know I will." I can feel my heart start to beat faster, it feels as if it will burst from my chest. Before I can even think, my fist is hitting Four in the jaw, making him lower the gun. I take the opportunity to bolt for the door.

I turn the handle and push, but it doesn't budge. I scream in frustration. 'Okay,' I tell myself. 'You have to breath.' Once again, I start taking deep breaths, and I swear I can feel my heat beat slowing down. I close my eyes, waiting to be transported back to the metal chair, and after what feels like hours, I can feel the cool metal on my skin. I open my eyes, just to make sure.

Four is standing over me impatiently. I sit up and rub my temples, soothing my headache. "Four turns away from me and says, "You can go."  

"But aren't you going to tell me how I did?" 


"Did I do good or bad?" 

"I'm not saying. But you completed it in 11 minutes and 6 seconds, if that makes you feel any better." 

"Is that good or bad?" 

He shrugs. I glare at Four as I walk out if the room. He glares right back at me, hatred in his eyes.

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