Chapter 14

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I don't know how it got there, but there is a newspaper sitting on the table at breakfast. I pick it up and start to read it. I can immediately feel its going to be good when I see the name Beatrice Prior in it. I fold it up and walk back to the dorms, gathering almost all of the initiates.When I get to the dorms, I stand I between two beds and start reading. Just then, Tris walks in. I start to read loudly:

"The mass exodus of the children of Abnegation leaders cannot be ignored or attributed to coincidence. The recent transfer of Beatrice and Caleb Prior, the children of Andrew Prior, calls into question the soundness of Abnegations values and teachings. Why else would the children of such an important man decide that the lifestyle he has set out for them is not in an admirable one? Molly Atwood, a fellow Dauntless transfer, suggests a disturbed and abusive upbringing might be to blame. 'I heard her talking in her sleep once,' Molly says. 'She was telling her father to stop doing something. I don't know what it was, but it gave her nightmares.'"

I see Molly turn and smile cruelly at Tris, who demands, "What? WHAT?" Everyone turns around to look at her, and I stop reading. I turn to face Tris, smiling sweetly. "Give me that." She holds out her hand, expecting me to give her the newspaper. I laugh. "But I'm not done reading!" I give her my pouty face, then look down at the paper and continue to read:

"However, perhaps the answer lies not in a morally bereft man, but in the corrupted ideals of an entire faction. Perhaps the answer is that we have entrusted our city to a group of proselytizing tyrants who do not know how to lead us out of poverty into prosperity."

Tris stomps up to me and reaches for the paper, but I hold it high over my head, so she can't reach. I'm waiting for her to try to jump up and grab it, smirking at her, but instead, she stomps down on my toes. Hard. I have to stifle a groan. She has an enraged look in her eyes, like a wild animal, and she lunges at Molly, knocking her to the ground.

Will, who was standing behind Tris, immediately grabs her around the waist and pulls her off of Molly. He drags her out of the room and into the hallway. Most of the initiates inside burst into laughter. Christina glares at us, then walks out after Will and Tris. Al looks scared, like he doesn't know which side to chose, but he follows Christina into the hallway. Dammit. He's supposed to be on my side.

* * *

I'm standing in the middle of a forest, and I don't know what's so terrifying about a forest until I see the fire. It is a huge wave, almost bearing down on me. The heat makes it feel like I am on the sun, and the smoke is already starting to burn my lungs. I turn on my heel and run.

The fire seems to chase after me, and even though I veer sharply to the left, almost hitting a tree, it does the same thing. It's like it can see where I am. The wall of fire is gaining on me, and I put on a burst of speed. I run through a thorn bush, getting scratches on my face, arms, legs.

I spot a giant rock formation, and I see a cave. Thank god! I can feel the heat getting closer and closer, and stupidly, I turn around. There is a wave of fire about to come down on my head. I stand frozen in shock for a few seconds, then snap out of it and bolt towards the cave. I can feel fire on the bare skin of my arm, and I cry out. There is already a large red welt on my arm from where the fire touched it.

I'm able to sprint into the cave before collapsing on the ground, defeated. I just have to lower my heart rate. Breathe. In, out. In, out. With every breath, my lungs feel like they are on fire and my arm hurts like hell. In, out. In, out. I can do this. I can feel more fire come into the cave, but I squeeze my eyes shut to block it out. In, out.

I open my eyes, and I'm back in the metal chair. I look down at my arms and legs, expecting them to be scratched up and burned, but there not. I have to remind myself, it's only a simulation. I just become aware of Four staring at me."What?" I demand.

"8 minutes." He responds slowly. I smile. That's a new record.

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