Chapter 7

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I wake up to Tris talking in her sleep again. I thought she spent the night in the infirmary, but she must have sneaked back in here. She's saying over and over again, "No! No! Stop!" I betting shes dreaming about yesterday. The clock reads 7:15, and were supposed to be at the tracks at 8:15. I slide out of bed, and wake up Drew and Molly. We get dressed silently and head towards the dining hall. We take our time eating breakfast, and by the time were done, it's only 7:45.

We walk around the Pit and look around the tattoo shop. I announce, "Im getting a tattoo." And Molly and Drew look at me like I'm crazy. Drew looks wary, but says, "Me too." Molly shrugs her shoulders and agrees. The lady, who who says her name is Tori, asks us what one we want. I look through the book of tattoos, and nothing looks interesting, so I just ask for the Dauntless symbol on my back- the ball of fire with the circle around it. Drew says he wants the same thing, only smaller, and on his arm, and Molly wants an eagle on her collarbone.

When it's done, I feel more like a Dauntless. This tattoo proves that I am not Candor, I am Dauntless. And I am proud of it. By the time Tori finishes Molly's eagle, it's already 8:10. We climb the steps to the glass dome, and out onto the roof. Tris is in front of us when we get to the roof, and every step she takes, she winces.

The train is coming, and all of a sudden it's there. Four gracefully pulls himself into the car, then Tris starts to jog next to it. Al comes in to help, picks her up under the armpits, and drops her into the train. I laugh, and she blushes, but she still smiles at Al. He smiles back.

I make a look of mock sympathy after I've hopped into the train, and say, "Are you feeling okay there? Or are you a little... Stiff?" Molly, Drew and I all burst into laughter. I have to give myself credit. That was a good one! Will says, "We are all awed by your incredible wit." And Christina adds in, "Yeah, are you sure, you don't belong with the Erudite, Peter? I hear they don't object to sissies.

I'm about to show them my new Dauntless tattoo, but Four speaks from the doorway before I can say anything. "Am I going to have to listen to you bickering all the way to the fence?" Everyone shuts up.

I notice Tris watching Four- she can't take her eyes off him! I point that out to Drew and Molly, and we all crack up. All of a sudden, the train stops, and we lurch forward. Tris carefully lowers herself to the grass, holding onto the handle the whole time. I jump out, landing in a crouch. I check out my surroundings- chain link fence, Dauntless guards. This is going to be a boring field trip.

"Follow me," says Four, and he leads us towards the gate. "If you don't rank in the top five at the end of initiation, you will probably end up here." I will be the one ranked first in initiation, and I will make sure of that. "Once you are a fenced guard, there is some potential for advancement, but not much. You may be able to go on patrols beyond Amity farms, but-"

"Patrols for what purpose?" Asks Will. Four shrugs his shoulders. "I suppose you'll discover that if you find yourself among them. As I was saying. For the most part, those who guard the fence when they are young continue to guard the fence. If it comforts you, some of them insist that it isn't as bad as it seems."

I want to know, so I ask, "What rank were you?" I don't think he'll answer me, but he finally says, "I was first." I'm so surprised that I ask, "And you chose to do this? Why didn't you get a government job?"

"I didn't want one." He says simply.

We get closer to the gate, which is letting an Amity truck pass. At the back of the truck, an Amity boy calls out, "Beatrice?" Tris's head snaps up and looks for the boy. He hops down from the truck, and they hug. He gets a good look at her face, and says, "Beatrice, what happened to you? What happened to your face?"

"Nothing," She says, and I grin. "Just training."

Molly comes up behind Tris and says, "Beatrice?" She folds her arms and laughs. I can't blame her. "Is that your real name, Stiff?"

Tris glares at her and says, "What did you think Tris was short for?"

"Oh, I don't know, weakling? Oh wait, that doesn't start with Tris. My mistake."

"There's no need to antagonize her," the boy says. "I'm Robert, and you are?" Molly snickers "Someone who doesn't care what your name is. Why don't you get back in your truck? We're not supposed to fraternize with other faction members.

Tris snaps, "Why don't you get away from us?"

"Right. Wouldn't want to get between you and your boyfriend." Molly walks back to us smiling.

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