Chapter 3

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We break off into groups: Dauntless born and transfers. The girl who helped me, Lauren, takes the Dauntless born to the sleeping area, while we have a guy who can't be much older than me. There are only 9 of us left. 1 Abnegation, 4 Erudite, and 4 Candor. Our guy says, "Most of the time I work in the control room, but for the next few weeks, I am your instructor. My name is Four." I'm about to ask about his name, but Christina beats me to it.  

"Four? Like the number?" 

"Yes. Is there a problem?" 


"We're about to go into the Pit, which you will someday learn to love. It-" 

"The Pit? Clever name." She snickers. Christina takes the words right out of my mouth. Four looks really pissed off now. He walks up to her and leans right in her face. "What's your name?" Four asks quietly. 

"Christina." She manages to squeak out. 

"We'll, Christina, if I wanted to deal with Candor smart mouths, I would have joined their faction. The first lesson you will learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got that?" She nods quickly. 

Four leads us into a large cavern. It has stories of rock building above my head. "If you follow me," says Four, "I'll show you the chasm. We follow him to an iron barrier, that stops people from falling into a huge chasm, with a river going through it. 

Four starts to shout. "That chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy! A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life. It has happened before and it will happen again. You've been warned." I don't know why, but I get a good feeling when I see the chasm. It makes me feel calm. Next, Four leads us into a Dining Hall. When we walk in, everyone stops eating and starts cheering for us.

Drew, Molly, me, and 2 boys who are named Al and Will all share a table.There are burgers sitting out on the table, so I grab one. I don't realize I'm hungry until I've taken the first bite. I inhale the burger and I'm about to start my second one when I notice Beatrice looking at her burger like it was something she's never seen before. I notice Four sitting next to her, and he pushes ketchup at her. She stares at that too. Four starts to explain what a burger is (at least that's what it looks like), when the doors bang open and a man who looks about Fours age walks in.

He has a ton of piercings on his face, and he scans the crowd, giving anyone who meets his cold eyes the death stare. He finally starts towards Four's table. He smirks when he sees Beatrice, and I immediately like him. I can't make out much but I can hear the man say,"We'll, aren't you going to introduce me?" And Four says, "This is Tris and Christina." It takes me a second to realize who Tris is. Then it hits me. She changes her name to Tris!

Four and Eric look like they're about to fight, and Eric starts talking in a low voice directed at Four. It sounds almost like he's threatening him. They talk for another few minutes in low voices, then Eric hits Four on the shoulder and walks out. Tris is studying Four, and Christina looks terrified. Typical.

* * *

After dinner the man, who introduces himself as Eric, leads us to where we will be sleeping. Along the way, I can't help but notice Tris tripping in the hallways over the ground. I smirk. Eric starts talking about training and the next few weeks of initiation. He only catches my attention when he announces that only 10 of us will become Dauntless members, but I know I will make it and Tris will not. Simple as that.

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