5: Really Isolated

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a/n ^ good movie :)

Trigger warning

John POV

That flannel that Jared is wearing, it's blue, red, and white. Today was the perfect day for him to wear that flannel. I don't know much about Jared at all, but I do know that Paige cares a whole lot about him, and that flannel is getting in the way of something serious.

Paige fell asleep leaning on Jared. It was getting late. Everyone had gone to bed so it was just Jared, Paige and I.

"You and all your friends are cool."

"Thanks." I chuckled. "No wonder Paige is always here" I said sarcastically. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and sighed. 

"Yeah" he breathed.

"Hey." I snapped. "She loves you."


"Oh come on, she's literally sleeping on you as you say that?" I smirked.

"I really don't expect her too anyway."

"You're cooler when you're confident." I told him.


"You're cute." I laughed.

"What?" He cracked a smile.

"I'm 6 years older than you." I winked. He started to laugh.


Paige's phone buzzed, we were both startled by it. I got up and looked at the screen sitting on the coffee table. A number that wasn't in her contacts was showing. I picked up the phone to get a closer look. Who would text her at 1:00 am?

Unknown: See? all good. ;)

"I've never seen this number before." I said.

"What does it say?" I showed him the message.

"What does that mean?" a worried expression filled his eyes.

"I don't know. Hey don't worry about it. Probably a scam or wrong number or something."

"Yeah probably." He whispered.

"She's actually really isolated. "

"Well I'm sure there's a reason for that."

"Or there's no reason? She needs someone."

"I like her."

"She likes you."

"And she will regardless of-" Shoot. I shouldn't have said that. He know what I was talking about. His face flushed.

"Regardless of what?"

"You need someone too." I said. He adjusted the sleeves on his flannel.


"She has her own set of problems and she doesn't need me to be one of them." He gestured toward her phone.


"I don't want anyone to have to experience the amount of stress that is- I am. Especially someone I love."

He never did yell, or move enough to wake her.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Don't be."

a/n omg so sorry I feel awful about this. So much dialogue But please, it would mean so much if I got a comment or two because I really need help and I want to do what my audience would like and I need help with that. Thanks so much love you all.

Please answer! (Did this confuse anyone a lot? Am I to confusing?)

•stay epic✌🏼️

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