Chapter 1

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Selena's wedding dress ⬆

Selena POV:

„Oh my you look absolutely gorgeous"- I heard my mom saying and I smiled to her and look at myself in a mirror. I was pleased with the finished look that professional hair and makeup artists have been doing for the past 3 hours now. My hair was in an up-do leaving just a few paces out in front and my makeup was nice and natural and I really like it.

„I think we should put you in your dress"- my little sister said by entering the room. I nodded and my mom left the room so she can bring the dress in. A few minutes later I was standing in the white long dress checking myself out.

It was not any white dress it was my wedding dress. The dress was lacy and the upper part was really tight showing all my curves and bottom part started to get wider from my waist down. It had lacy sleeves and long trail behind me. I loved it.

My mom, my bridesmaids, my sister and my friends were all in my room looking at me telling me how beautiful I was.

„My little baby is getting married"- my mom said and started crying.

„I will always be your little baby"- I said by hugging her but she quickly pulled out.

„I don't want my makeup all over your dress"- we all smiled and one by one they left my room leaving me alone.

I lock my door and stand in front of mirror. I couldn't believe that I was going to be Mrs. B. I'm going to marry a great man who treats me like a princess and doesn't see any other girl except me. And I love him.

Me and Nate are together 4 years now and last year on the very same day he asked me would I become Mrs. B. To be honest when I was thinking of becoming Mrs. B. I have had a different surname in my mind. Justin's!

„Selena is everything ok? Are you ready?" - I heard somebody ask

„I.. I need a few more minutes" - I said

What was I saying? Of course I'm ready. Everything is on their place. And in that moment I realised why I was not feeling ready. It was because I'm not marring love of my life. I was standing in my room alone and all I can think about is him.

I remembered all of mine and Justin's plans for the the future and our dream wedding. Then I realised why I chose this dress. We saw it together in a magazine and he said he loved it and thinks that I would be a sex bomb in it. I looked down to dress and smiled thinking about what we did after he told me what would he do with the dress after the wedding.

I can't marry in this dress I thought. Nate doesn't deserve this. My mind was all over the place. We didn't speak in 5 years. He was calling but I ignored and it was the same when I was calling him. I missed him, his voice, his hands, his body, the way he walks, the way he talks...all of him. I closed my eyes and left big heavy breath out. I wish he was the one waiting me on the altar, smiling at me as I walk down the ail... the knock snapped me from my thoughts and I heard Gracie's voice. I unlock the door and she came in. She looked stunning in her deep red dress.

She came to me put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in my eyes.

„Baby it will be ok. Remember it is time for you to shine." She told me and I felt tears going down my cheeks. How can she know Justin's words.

„He called and your self phone was with me." She said and after I didn't say anything she continued. „He asked where are you and I told him that you lock yourself in a room. That is when he told me to do this and that you will be ready to win the world."

„Is he ok?" I asked

„To be honest not at all. I asked and he said that he is ok but Selly he is not."

That is when she gave me my phone and left the room. I needed to see Nate to remember why I fall in love with him and why am I marrying him. I stepped out my room and saw everyone looking at me.

„Did anyone saw Nate? I need to talk to him." I explained

„But darling he can't see you before the ceremony. It is bad luck." His mom, my future mother in law, said in a British accent.

„It will be no ceremony if I don't see him right now. " I snapped at her. Everybody stayed in shock.

„I saw him entering kitchen a few minutes ago. " My best friend Fredo said

„Thank you." I said and started running down stairs to the kitchen.

I entered the kitchen and stayed in shock not being able to speak, I just felt tears in my eyes but I shake them quickly. He and Sasha were enjoying each other and his hands were all over her naked body.

„Nate what the hell is going on in here?"


New fan fiction. It will be short one and it is not the best story I ever wrote but it is my first so that is why I'm sharing it with you



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