Chapter 4

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Justin's POV:

Ring snapped me from trans „It is probably our food." I said first clearing my throat.

She nodded biting her bottom lip. I stepped away from her going to pick up the delivery when I heard her voice.

„Jay" She called.

"Yes?" I said exiting the room never looking back. Because God knows what would happened if I did.

„You forget to undo my bra." She said with her sexy voice.

I closed my eyes for second cursing my life and turn to face her again. Now she was standing just in her underwear. She looked like a goddess.

Why is she doing this to me? I'm literally going to die when she leaves again. I stand looking at her perfect body and than she turns around. And I tough her front is sexy...puf. I slowly put my hand on her neck and collect all hair putting it in front. I gently put my hands on the clip and undo her lacy white bra.

My lips were millimeters from her neck and my hands were around her weist. I just wanted to bury my face in crock of her neck kissing every inch of it. I leaned down my lips gently brushing her skin when I heard the door bell again.

„I should go open." I said into her neck.

Closing the door behind me I went downstairs to take our food brushing my hair with my hand to calm myself down. After I paid for food I went to the kitchen and started making hot chocolate still in shock. I set up our food on a dining table and by the time I wanted to go check up on her I heard her going down the stairs.

„It smells sooo good" She said dragging her words in excitement and I smiled at her knowing how much she loves food.

She was wearing her T-shirt I held and cried on earlier today and my sweatpants. She found me looking at her legs.

„I hope you don't mind" she said biting her lower lip. She always does this when she is insecure. And it always drives me mad.

„Not at all." I smiled at her and she did the same passing by me sitting and starting eating.

„I see nothing has change with you in this area." I said laughing.

„What do you mean?"

„You still love to eat and steal my clothes." I continued to laugh

„Well I didn't eat in 4 years like this if you need to know." She said putting large peace in her mouth.

„What do you mean?" I repeated her question.

„Nate is British and when ever we eat he was always reminding me about my manners" she said rolling her eyes.

„I don't know how you survived." I said

„ I wasn't myself majority of the time." She added looking at me.

„Screw manners." I said and put larger peace in my mouth. She laughed at me and we finished our meal talking about small things.

„Ready for a movie?" I asked after putting our plates in dishwasher.

„OF COURES" she yelled in duh tone.

I smiled at her and she ran upstairs with popcorns while I was walking behind her with hot chocolates.

„Which one is yours? This one or... This one?" I asked taking a sip from both cups.

„Jay that is not fair" She said like 5 year old and took one cup. I just stand there for few minutes. She called me Jay again. She will most certainly be the death of me.

We sat on the couch and started to watch a movie. We watched „Mean girls", well, half of it because Selena fell asleep and I stared at her all the time. After the movie was finished and the room was without any light I fall asleep too, with her in my arms.

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