Chapter 10

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Selena's POV :

My heart dropped. I couldn't breathe. Justin was all around her and all I could do is stand there but it was too much for me. All I saw is the scene from 5 years ago all over again. I was broken again. I was in pain.

I left straight home. I thought that he changed and that I'm the one he wanted but I guess I'm not good enough for anybody. I took a case and pack some of my stuff. I couldn't imagine sleeping in this house. As I was exciting my phone ringed it was Cara and I thanked God above.

"Yeah" I said quality clearly crying

"Shit. What happened?" She asked

"Can I come?"

"Yeah, sure thing. Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No I'm on my way already."

Minutes later I was in her apartment. Crying and telling her everything.
She was like sister to me. I know I could trust her.

After few hours of crying I collected myself and decided to check my email. I saw that two were from Justin and the first one is old few days. I open it..

"My dearest Selena,
You know it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard; we are gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday....

Baby this is sneak peek of my vows. So step up your game. I love you with all my heart."

I was crying again. How could this man do what he did in club?

Someone knocked on my door and think that it's Care I said come in.
It was Justin. I quickly wipe of my tiers and stood up "What are you doing here?" I asked angry.

"Babe what is happening? Why did you live me again? Why are you not answering calls? Care called me saying that we have something unfinished to clear up. She is upset. Please talk to me." He said crying.


"Babe I was practicing Walz for wedding I wasn't even touching her. And beside that was hers idea."

"Yea Walz in club right. YOU THINK I'M STUPID?"

"What club I don't understand what are you saying? I didn't go to club in days you know that."

"Then who was in A2 with Jaclyn few hours ago?" I said confused

"Jaclyn has boyfriend who looks exactly like me. She is a little bit obsessed with you and me. The couple you saw are probably them."

I was crying again this time from relief. I jumped and hugged him with both arms and legs. After sweet moment Justin spoke.

"Um.. you should know something.." he said all serious. I was worried

"She tried to kiss me after you left the office and I fired her. The portfolio of out wedding is in car. I'm sorry but I couldn't let some crazy person plan the most important day of my life."
I was smiling at him.

"Thank you for doing that. Really. "

After an hour of staying in hug he said
"Babe can we go home now?" I could see the fear in his eyes.

I put the biggest smile possible and nodded my hand. He kissed me with the most gentle and softest kiss in the world. He was my whole world.



'...I promise I will love you even when you are annoying and unable to sing 'Baby' in cute way. I promise I will be your in every moment of every day. I promise I will stay by your side no matter what.

Dear my best friend I love you and thank you for tying the knot till death with me. I love you...'

On the sand beach of Bora Bora Justin and Selena exchanged their vows that will tie them for life. All the family and friends were watching the couple becoming something that everybody wanted to see. The powerful duo that nothing will nor can separate.

On that moment all pain, tiers and broken pieces of heart were erased and glued back together. Tonight sky will not cry, tonight on clear sky stars will dance the dance of love.

Acoustic version of 'All that matter' was coming through big speakers while Jelena swayed to the rhythm. Eyes glued on one another. Chest to chest. That was the moment they knew what they had was something out of this world.

The white dress and black tux will soon get off and all the fancy things will past but their love for one another will be present no matter what.

Long live Jelena

This is the end of this story.

Thank you to all of you who voted and commented. It means the world to me. I love you...

If you want you can check out my other story that is still in writing process.


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