Chapter 6

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Justin's POV:

I wasn't sure what was she doing but I couldn't apart my lips from hers. After good long make up section she looked at me and smiled.

"I missed you" She said really quietly as if she was afraid somebody could heard us.

"I missed you too princess" I smiled at her and in that moment I was happier than ever.
I guess small things really make life more beautiful.

I couldn't lose her again. Not after I tasted her lips again. Not after I realized how much she makes me happy and how much more I love her every day.

"I love you" I carefully wisper into her ear and I could see her eyes glowing from joy.

"I know maybe it is not a right moment but I can't risk of losing you again" I told her while sitting up and taking her hands. She also set up and now she was really confused.

"I want to be able to kiss you, hug you and lay down with you. I want to be able to do that for the rest of my life. 5 years was hell for me. Because when ever I passed by these doors I felt uncomplicated. I missed everything about you, about us. In one point I even missed our fights cause you were there, I could touch you, fell you. I know I was jerk and I hurt you and I know I wasn't always around to support you but with letting you go I hurt myself the most.
I love you and I will always love you."

By the end of my speech bought of us were crying.

Selena's POV:

I wasn't sure if I was hearing well but I said "YES" anyway. Oh my gosh I just ran from one to another marriage but I had different felling about this one. It was right thing to do.

The second I said yes he opened the drawer and pulled out small box. I covered my mouth with my hands never stop crying. But they were tears of joy and happiness.

"I'm promising to love and protect you my whole life. You are my life." He said trough tears while putting big square Diamond Ring on my finger.

We hugged like never before and stayed connected like that for a while. It was the most special moment in my life.

"It is the most beautiful ring I ever saw. When did you buy it?" I asked looking at my hand.

"I bought it the day you said you liked it. I needed to order it because it was a unique piece just for that bridal magazine. But I wanted proposal to be incredibly romantic and everything. The day ring came is the day I wanted to propose but you left and I couldn't let go of this beautiful work of art." He said with sadness in his voice

"How did you know you will be able to give it to me? "

"I heard quote: "IF TWO PEOPLE ARE MENT TO BE TOGETHER THEY WILL FOUND THER WAY BACK." I believed that we are ment to be and prayed and the second you kissed me I knew that I need to go for it. I can't promise you that everything will be ok. We will fight and argue and cry and scream but we will laugh, love, smile and go through everything together. And I promise to both of us I will never let you go again."


Short but sweet.

My head is turning around. In one story they are engaging and in another they are divorcing.

Go check out my other story called "Ones in a lifetime"



Love you

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