Chapter 5

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I dedicate this chapter to my beautiful internet friend yvygirl Thank you for always commenting sweetest things and voting on all of my work. Your support means the world to me.

She also is a writer and please check her work out. She is the best!!!


Selena's POV:

It has been a week since I'm in my old house, well now Justin's house, and that means that has been a week since I left Nate and he has been calling me nonstop. I didn't want to pick up because I know what he will say and to be honest I'm feeling free now. I don't want any more drama.

Of course me leaving Nate on the wedding day and tape of him having sex was all over the internet and I pretty much ignored all that. I was happy in this house even though I have been here alone for whole week. Justin is in NYC and he left the morning after we slept on sofa after the movie. Aka the wedding night. He called me every day and I called him too to see how he is doing.

Today will be the first day I'm going out and I was a little bit scared. Nobody knows where I'm staying so everybody are worried so I need to make them sure I'm ok.

I'm going to meet with Vanessa at lunch today and after that go buy some new clothes. I found nice hoddie and pants and slip on my old black shoes and put my hair in a ponytail.

"I hope no one will recognize this clothes." I said to myself and headed to my car.

After 30 minutes driving I pulled in front of the restaurant me and Van will meet and stepped out the car and I found myself in the sea off the paps. I covered my face and headed to the restaurant where I found Van sitting waiting for me.

"Hey girl." I said happy to see her.

"Hey runaway bride." She said making me laugh.

Next 2 hours we spend talking about what happened after I left the weeding and what is going on In her life.

"He was so angry by you leaving and telling him those things he just wanted to kill Sasha and everybody around him...."

"What did you do with all the food and cake."

"Well nobody wanted to eat cake obviously but your mom said that everybody needs to stay for lunch so we had lunch and some other sweets and went home." She said and I smiled knowing my mom was embarrassed.

"Where are you living now? I asked your mom but she said that you are safe and happy." Van asked and I smiled I was safe and happy

"I'm safe and happy for sure. I finally can eat normally." I said making her laugh

"So you are not telling me." She asked after a few minutes of silence

"No, I can't risk Nate finding out." I said and she nodded.

After that we left for shopping and it was the right thing I needed. Free mind time.

I left her and started driving home when I saw somebody following me. After a few minutes I pulled out realizing it was Nate and I didn't want him near Justin's house so I need to see him here.

"What the HELL do you what from me?" I said jumping out the car

"I just want to see when are you coming back home?" he said with a sadness in his voice.

"Well I'm not. So now leave me alone."


"Nate, are you naturally stupid or what? Do you remember cheating on me on our wedding day and God knows how many times before? How do you think I felt when I saw you on her and how much you hurt me? I'm not giving you a second chance so please let me live my life. I know you love Sash more that you will ever love me so I just want to tell you don't lose her too. Be happy and love and leave me to do the same, ok?" I explain to him and after a few more minutes explaining yelling, arguing and trying to convince me otherwise we said our firm goodbyes out.

I set in my car and drove myself to the safest place I know of. Only one thing that was missing and it was him to hold me.

I entered the house and went straight to Justin's room. I could not sleep in our room without him in it so I was borrowing his bed and PJ. I took a shower and went to bed hopping he will come back home soon. He didn't call me in 2 days and I was worried. I fell asleep really quickly.

Justin's POV:

I came home really late that night and went straight to bed. I first knocked on Selena's door and opened them slowly to see if she is asleep and what I saw was shocking. The bed was empty. I was sad because she left and she didn't call me in 2 days. She must have been moved out. Again. I entered my room and in my surprise there she was laying on my bed in my PJ. My mood went from storm to rainbow in just a second. She was here. I left my bag and went to a bathroom took a shower, change in just a shorts and went back in my room seeing Selena sound and sleepy.

I smiled at her and bent down to take her body to her room. I was really tired and sleeping in the same bed can cause trouble in the morning. I put her gently on our bed and kissed her forehead. I turn around to go in my room when I heard her voice.

"Baby you are back." I was even happier because she called me baby.

"Yea I'm. Now go back to sleep we will talk tomorrow." I said looking at her

"Can you sleep with me please. I don't want to sleep in this bed alone." She said with puppy eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Ahem" she said shortly and it was enough for me to jump by her side. I lay down as she turn around and put her head on my bare chest.

"Now I'm completely safe and happy." She said looking me in the eye. I smiled and her and lean down kissing her forehead.

At that moment she turned her head up her lips were inches away from mine. She looked me in the eyes and crashing our lips together. Man I missed these lips sooo much...

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