Chapter 3

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Their house ⬆

Justin's POV:

As she ran into my arm all the worries, sadness, pain and other not important stuff just vanished away and I felt whole again. I held my world and it was all that matters. Her expression were screaming pain and I wanted to take it all from her. I didn't want her to be sad or hurt I wanted to see her smile.

„Let's go inside." I took her hand and she followed me. Feeling of her hand in mine, again after all these years, was unbelievable.

We sat on the sofa in the living room facing one another holding hands. I looked at her and she looked like the most beautiful princess in the world.

She wore the dress that we choose together and her brown hair was in perfect up-do. Although her makeup was messed up by crying she looked beautiful. I stand up to get her some tissues and she looked at me with fear in her eyes.

„Where are you going?" she asked me.

„To get you some tissues." I said waiting for approval and she nodded.

When I was back she was crying again. She took one tissue and started cleaning her face. I handed her mirror and she removed her makeup but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't remove tires.

„Do you want to talk about it?" I asked carefully.

„Yea but you don't have to listen." She looked at my eyes with an apologetic look.

„If you want to talk I want to listen." She smiled at me with saddest smile I have ever seen.

„First I'm sorry I came to you but I don't have anybody available now. You know everybody are on my wedding."

„I'm glad you did. And by the way this is still your home when ever you need it."

„Thank you. That means so much." She said looking at her hands „You know I really thought that I found somebody that will love me for me and to whom I will be enough but it seems like I'm good for nothing." She said never looking at me. Her words burned in my chest. How can someone hurt her? How could I hurt her?!

„Hey hey" I said placing my fingers under her chin and make her look at me. „Don't ever even think like that about yourself. You are great, you are smart, successful, gorgeous and above everything strong women and every man would kill to have you. Trust me." I told her looking her in the eyes.

„Yes, there are jerks that doesn't appreciate women like you and don't know what they have, including myself but that does't mean that is your fault. It is his lost believe me he will see what he lost. And with that he needs to live. That will be his greatest punishment."

„You can't know that." She said in her defence.

„Oh yes I can. And I know. 5 years, everyday I realize it more and more. Unfortunately.." I said this time me lowering my head.

She didn't say anything on my remark. For hours she was talking and explaining her story from when she left 5 years ago till this day but non of it included Nate, and I was glad and confused at the same time. Untill she spoke again.

„I loved him, you know. I really did. I could imagine a life with him but it was never like it was with you. I was always compering him with you and I was trying to make him look as much as possible like you but it wasn't same. He loved me too. At least that is what he use to say and I believed him...

I..I saw him TODAY with his best friend having sex on the kitchen table next to our wedding cake. Today out of all days. Today when I was suppose to be happy. It happened just after you called. I was nervous, having doubts. And I just needed to see him to remind myself why I'm saying "yes" to him and not you. And..and..Hah, and when I saw him you know what he said? He said he can explain and that it is not what I think it is.

I don't know what hurt more. The fact that he was cheating on me ot the fact he was making me fool thinking I was stupid or something.

But you know what I was strong and I didn't show him that I'm hurt. I know he will try to make things up but I don't think he deserves a second chance....."

She continued and I listen to everything.

After hours of speaking and catching up with each other. I told that she can go take a shower and change if she wants, and I will make us hot chocolate and put up a movie in home cinema. And she nodded.

While I was on my way to kitchen I heard her calling me.

„Can you please help me with this dress it is too long." She asked me from half stairs. I ran to her and held up the dress but it was no help.

„Do you trust me?" I asked.

„Yes, I do. Why?"

„Push yourself backwards." And she did without asking anything else. I was happy she trusted me this much. I catch her bridal style and brought her upstairs. I let her stand and she looked in the door of our room and then turn around to me.

„Which one is your room?" she asked and I pointed at one down the hallway.

„Oh, I see" she said and turn around to the door of our room looking at them. „Witch one can I use then?" she asked knowing that the other one was the only one with the bed in it. Others were cinema, gym, office and music studio.

„You can use our room if you want to." I said waiting for her reaction.

„Our room?" she said pointing in the right direction. I nodded and walk pass her to open the door.

„It is.. It's just the way I left it." She said with a surprise look on her face. I never looked away from her. Because, let's be serious, I love having her here again and I don't know how much till she leaves again.

She entered looking around and I was standing in the door. She went to bed and took her shirt that I left earlier today.

„Can I borrow my shirt for today?" She asked with a smile.

God, even without makeup she was the most beautiful girl I know.

„I will buy some clothes tomorrow." She explained

I entered the room and take her hand. „ Follow me." I told her and she did as I said. I lead her to our wardrobe and she was shocked. I saw few tears in her eyes. „You have all your clothes here"

She started crying again and I know this time it was because off me.

„Hey what is wrong?" I was scared. She shake her head and I hugged her without thinking.

„I should change." She said never pulling out from the hug.

„Yea" I looked at her eyes and we both pulled out.

„Selena?" I asked exiting the room.


„Mexican or Chinese?" I smiled to her.

„Um.. Mexican sounds goooood." She replied with huge smile.

After 10 minutes I was about to set up the movie and then go make hot chocolate when I heard her swearing loudly. I knock on a door. It felt weird to knock on this door.

„ Is everything ok?" I asked quietly. Seconds later she opened the door still in the dress.

„I can't take it off. Can you help me?" she asked annoyed and embarrassed at the same time.

„Sure" I said and entered the room. Now she had her hair down and it was longer that I remember. I was nervous.

She turn around and took her hair to one side. I remove the rest of the hair and it was soft as I remember. I put my hands on her back and started undoing buttons on her dress. I was breathing heavily and my heart wanted to go out from my chest.
I took my time with my job. I was on the bottom which was on her ass I quickly undo it and the only thing left was inner zipper I unzipped it and her back flashed at me. I gently touched her skin and she shivered under my touch.



I decided to post New Chapter because it is MY BIRTHDAY and I feel generous.

You can thank me by VOTING and COMMENTING

Love you all ❤

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