Chapter 8

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Justin's POV :

After she came downstairs we left the house. I couldn't take my eyes of of her. Her beauty was breath-taking and every time I see her I fall in love even more if that is possible.

We were in car on our way to the place were we will spend our day. I saw her blush.

"Justin?" She said looking in her lap.


"Can you please stop looking at me like I'm some kind of piece of art'

I smiled at her and lean in for kiss. She kissed me back and I swear it was worth dying for. Her lips full and soft gently pressing on my and her breath worm and full of desire.

"Everytime we kiss I swear I can fly" I said quality inches away from her lips pressing my forehead on hers.

"I can feel your heart beating fast" she said pulling into my arms and pressing her head on my chest.

We sat in silence enjoying each other for a long time when our driver announced that we are here.

I woke up Selena because she fall a sleep and jumped out the car. She followed me. She was cheerful which was strange. She is usually grumpy whan she wakes up.

We went to a street full of trees and birds were singing all around us. The street was not big it was wide enough for me and Sel to walk hand in hand. As we walked we were playing and laughing around. In one moment she stoped to take a flower and the other she was gone. I was scared because this is the place that I don't know and it is so big I couldn't possibly find her.

I was panicking, calling her like crazy. I almost started crying when I heard her laughing behind me. I turn around and she was trying to catch a breath. I was just standing almost mad at her. She realized what is going on and run in my arm hugging me with bought legs and hands and then she kissed me.

"I will come back at you, you know that. I was really scared." I told her.

"Aham" she said and started kissing every inch of my face. And after that she went for neck founding my week spot and kissed it passionately. I couldn't catch my breath. I was grabbing her ass and she started moving up and down. Oh I needed her. I need her very much.


After few hours of walking through beautiful forest, sitting next to the river and few more make out sessions it was time for grand finale.

We were now in garden next to the beautiful lake and on the coast it was small white teras decorated with white fabric and hundreds of little white lights. Table was already set up and Selena was looking at gorgeous white roses laying around.

"Did you decorated all this?" She asked looking at me with glow in her eyes. I pulled her in front of me and hugged her from behind.

"I helped." I told her and kiss her check.

After delicious dinner and a lot of talk I planned to go sit on a swing that was on the left side of teras and relax but Selena wanted to go home so we did.

Selena's POV :

It was a unique day today and I wanted to, after all Justin did fot me, give him something.

After shower I went to my "get ready room" and pulled out my newest VS set. It was dark red almost black lacy bra with matching panties. I put a silky black rope and didn't bother to tie it. Putting my hair down from the shower bun I've got sexy curls that I was pleased with and decided to go in bedroom. I saw him laying down on bed just in shorts. And I slowly came in.

The lights were week but strong enough for him to see me.

He's eyes poped up and he's body instantly tensed.

He get up and stand behind me. Slowly pulling my rope off. My breath got heavier and so did his. After my rope was on the floor he moved my hair to the side and kissed my neck. It was passionate and I could feel his desire. His hands went to my hips and in a second he turned me so I was meeting his bear chest and now his hands were on my ass. He picked me up and slowly moved his hand to the back of my bra unclipping it faster than I clipped it in. He lower he's head and give my 'ladies' proper attention. But I wanted more and I needed to want for it.

'That is the price you pay when you hide baby girl'




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