My Own Little Corner

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As I sat in my office cubicle waiting for the day to start, my mind wanders as I look at my life. My name is Megan Canfield. I'm 24, 5'2", have blond hair and intense blue eyes. My best friend and roommate  Anne tells me I could model, but I like being behind the scenes. I like being one of the many people just working their 8 hour day. It makes me feel an accomplishment that I have succeeded. Many would think being a clerk in accounting would be drudge work, but it helps calm my mind and takes my thoughts away from the programs that dance in my head.

Anne also helps calm my mind, but in a different way. She takes me to her Club, The Calypso, were I am her submissive. Not really, but playing the part calms me and gives me order. I wear her collar and sit at her feet. She pets my head and calls me Treasure. When I have a bad day and my mind won't settle she books a private room. Most people at the club believe Mistress Anne and her Treasure are a couple. It doesn't bother Anne and it never bothers me.

Trying to calm my mind, it just won't work. I pull out my laptop and plug in the headphone and microphone. I start talking rapidly as the computer takes the dictation as fast as it can. It's one of my programs so it works flawlessly. I've never sold this one as I have the others. I have no reason why. It just seems to be a part of me, as it only knows my voice. Looking at the top of the program, I see what I have been writing for the last 45 minutes. Sadly, it looks like another game. It always bothers me when these pop out. They do nothing to help, but only serve to give a brief escape to some. I am much happier when it is something to help, such as a new program in robotics or medicine. Sighing I package it up and send it off to the Meca Corporation for them to play with and announce it to the world.

Noticing people starting to come in, I put my laptop away and start the day. I start getting lost in numbers and my mind slows down to a more normal pace. Suddenly, I notice everyone is gathered at the end of the room as a man towers over them saying something. I look up to see him staring at me with an annoyed expression. "Miss, would you care to join us or are you waiting for a private audience?" the tall man asked loudly. My supervisor motions me to get up and come over. I really hope this doesn't take long as my mind starts getting away from numbers and back to what it wants.

"My name is Nico Andreas. The Andreas group is proud to welcome you all into our family." Wait, the Andreas Group? Did I say that out loud? "You have a problem with my Corporation, Miss? I guess I did say it out loud. Sighing I look up and take in what can only be called a Greek god. Looking at me with the still annoyed expression, is a man well over 6 feet in a dark designer suit, white shirt and red tie. His hair is midnight black, touches the collar and his eyes are like jade. His face has strong angles with slight beard that makes him look menacing.

"Uh, no sir. I don't have a problem" I say as my mind causes me to wince. Oh God, not right now. I've been away from my numbers too long. I've got to get to Anne quickly. Either that or I have to get to the ER. Wordlessly, I turn and shove my earphones in my ear and turn my IPod up as high as it will go. Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love starts and my mind zeroes in on the sound. I start running for the elevator as my life depends on it and it does.

"Who is that woman and why is she working here?" Nico asked my supervisor, Jared, the CFO.

"Well sir, that is or was Megan Canfield. To understand why she is here, you have to go to her cubicle," Jared replies as he walks towards Megan's small space. He motions for Nico to follow in a proper manner and shows him Megan's work area. Nico stands amazed at what he sees. Flow charts are tacked up all on the walls for the companies this firm audits. Each one has a corresponding program tailored for its needs. Nico notices an absence of a keyboard and looks at Jared. "Yes, sir, no keyboard. Megan can't type as fast as she needs to. She uses voice recognition software. Basically, she is the accounting department. We get a new client and Meca Corporation has the software to us within 24 hours. Don't know how they do it, but it never fails."

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