A Little Bitty Tear Let Me Down

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Anne was the first to reach him. “I was right! You are a dickhead! You KNEW her. Heck, you knew her better than anybody here. I guess now we all call her Riley cause you killed the other two!”  Nico looked at Anne with a painful expression.  “Oh shit, you didn't know?”  Nico shook his head no. “How was I supposed to know, Anne. She worked for me. Riley has never worked in her life. Heck, I didn’t even know her middle name was Megan! Riley has black hair. Megan was a blond. If I had seen the tats I would have known, but she kept them hidden.” Anne sat down on a bar stool next to Roman. “Can I have a drink of your scotch?” Nico nods yes and tells Mark to get 4 more glasses and the bottle they are going to need it.

Nico tries to explain to the doctors that he is in fact the 12th member of the group and should be standing next to Roman as the second longest knowing her. Roman beat him out by a month. All of them were 6 years older than Riley and had met her either by themselves or a few as a group. They hadn’t started BDSM with Riley until she was 18. She was the ultimate submissive. She had never been punished. She had never fought with any of them, but there had been many fights among the doms of suspected, usually imagined, mistreatment. Whoever Riley kissed at the ceremony had her until the next one the following month. The only way it would change was if Riley called one before they left. That was the only indication Riley was not pleased. There had been a few times that Riley had called for one, hadn’t kissed anyone and disappeared. She maintained clothes at all their residences and an office. She had learned each one of their native languages and only read or conversed in that language for the time she was with them. He also informed them that he planned on being at the next ceremony with Sarah.

I was having the time of my life. Roman, Bubba, Jacques and Chase were in the suite with me. Roman had decided that all he wanted to do was hold me at night. I had had 2 minor incidents with 3 new programs being created, but for the most part we just took over tables and gambled away for the weekend. We had left Sunday night without fanfare and Roman had decided that the next month’s destination would be the opening of an art exhibit in Rome. We had moved to the villa in the Tuscany region for what Roman called “Tourist time.” I think behind my back they all had decided to ease me back in to the lifestyle. By the time of the next meeting I had done 10 new programs and gag me 7 new games. I had a direct line to Jared so he let me know when Nico got new customers and Meca cranked out the audit software for them.

We all flew into the Rome Airport with all the media hype. I hadn’t been noticing any amiss until the start of the ceremony. When Bashir took me to who I thought was Roman, I had made contact with his hands and knew it was Nico. I kissed his knuckles and laid my forehead on them. He leaned over and whispered, “nice to see you again Riley.” I noticed he had a sub behind him staring daggers at me. I wondered what that was about as Nico took me to Roman. I went to Chase and kissed him. Being on his ranch in Texas was going to be stress free. Chase was always busy and that gave me time to shop in Dallas. I could also ride Ares.

Soon a year had flown by and it was my turn to pick. I had decided that a return to New York was due. I had hoped that Nico had dumped Sarah. I had wanted to pick him, but I knew Sarah and I were like oil and water. I had finally decided this time I would. I could always use my called ceremony if it was too bad. I could handle a weekend and make my mind up on Sunday. I wanted to see Club Calypso and my friends. It was the 3 year anniversary and I wanted to be there. I wanted my newer friends to meet the old ones. For the first time all my guys had a sub. I felt like life couldn’t make me anymore happy. My years tally was yuck 15 new games and ding, ding, ding 39 programs.

The anniversary party was being held on the 27th, a Saturday. It was going to be a costume party and I knew what I was wearing. Bashir had bought me a belly dancers costume in sheer gold fabric that showed off everything and the gold coins as trim. Screw the scar I was going to look the part. I was going to wear the dominator collar, gold coin earrings and matching hand bracelets. We flew in on the morning of the 27th to a snowy day. Just making it in before they closed the airport. We decided to hold the ceremony in the hanger I was amped, but it seemed the guys were sad. I found at why when Hiro took me to Chase and he kissed my cheek before presenting me to him. Hiro had left to be with his wife and new son. My next surprise came when Seamus took me to Bubba and he kissed me with a sad expression. I would find out much later why he left. They both just got back on their planes and left. I picked Nico this time and prayed I hadn’t made a bad decision.

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