Megan goes Commando, no not that way!

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Early the next morning Roman, Nico and Megan boarded Roman’s private jet in route to Franz’s castle on the Rhine.  Roman and Nico still wanted to know what part Franz played in Riley’s grand scheme.  Megan told them that she had never met Franz and didn’t know what his part was, all she could do was to meet with him.  They finally decided that Megan might not know and that grilling Franz might be a better way to go.

Megan had a lot of her mind she was going to meet one of Riley’s Doms.  She hoped he had the same caring nature that roman and Nico did.  She decided that she didn’t want to have to answer any more of their questions so she asked for a glass of water and took a sleeping pill.  It seemed like she had just closed her eyes when Nico was standing over her nudging her shoulder and telling her they were getting ready to land.

Franz’s castle was just that, of friggin castle.  It looked like at any moment Sleeping Beauty was going to come out the door waiting for Prince Charming.  As they stepped inside and were led into the library, Franz got up from his desk and walked over to Megan and gathered her into an embrace.  He felt her go still in his arms and sighed. “You really aren’t Riley are you?”

“No, I’m sorry Franz.  I really wish I could greet you the way you should be greeted, but I’m sorry I don’t know you.”

“I know my dear, it is just really hard on me to see the person that I have loved acting like I am a stranger and we’ve shared nothing.  I hope my part in this will help both you and Riley to come to terms with whatever is going on.”

Roman looked at Nico and a shared a single thought that Franz knew less than they did.  They’re going to spend the night there at the castle and leave the next morning on separate planes; Roman heading back to New York, Riley going to chase’s ranch in Texas and Nico to his family home in Greece where Theo was.  They spent that evening reliving many of the escapades they had had during their time together.  It helped Megan get a clearer picture of Riley.  Franz also told Megan that the next meeting would be his last as he was getting married.  They all had a celebratory drink and agreed that they would be attending the wedding.  Megan hoped that she and Riley would both be there.

As they got ready to retire for the night, Franz left the three of the standing at Megan’s door.  Franz turned around and took a small necklace from his neck and placed it around Megan’s.” I almost forgot to give you what you came for.” He pressed a small kiss on her cheek and turned to go to his room.

“Well, I guess I should say Goodnight and get some sleep.  Tomorrow starts another part of my journey.”

Both Roman and Nico stood there and looked at her.  Nico finally said what both of them were feeling, “Megan, we don’t know how this is going to turn out.  In fact, we’re really don’t know what this is.  If it turns out that the three of us would never have another night together, we would like to spend it with you.  We just want to sleep next to you, would you let us do that?”

What could she say, this may be the last time they would spend any time together either as Megan or Riley.  She could understand how important this was to both of them.” I think that you have a good idea and I’ll be waiting for you.”

They slept together with sex being the farthest thing from their minds.  Just the touching seemed to help and settle down their nerves which had been frayed so much.

The next morning they had breakfast with Franz and finally saying goodbye to him they each climbed into their own jets for their separate destinations, each of them wondering how Riley’s plan was going to affect their future.  Roman and Nico both hoped that soon Riley and Megan would be one and they could finally claimed her.

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