The Doms try to put the puzzle together

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Roman was sitting in his office looking up the monitor on wall.  It seems strange that Chase, James and Jose were all in same place.  It was even stranger that Megan was with them.  He never had like having to hold a meeting with the other Doms, it seemed like trying to herd cats.  Each one of them had their own specialty in Riley had known how to tap into each one.  They’re only going to get limited information from Jacque before he pulled the patient – doctor confidentiality card.  Riley had made sure to tie his hands so that only what she wanted them to know he could tell.  Everyone was there except for Nico who was suspiciously absent.

“Does anybody have any idea where Nico is?”

“Roman, none of us have heard from him in a month.  Some of us think that he had a message waiting for him when he got back to Greece.  Maybe Bashir knows more as he has the intelligence portion of this.  I for one haven’t seen anybody seen you came to pick up the key.  I’m dying to know what was in a locker.”

“Franz, it would be easier for us to tell you what wasn’t in the locker.  If it can kill somebody, it was in that locker.” Chase thought they all needed to know that Riley had decided that Megan was going to become a killing machine.

“I had had my operatives following everyone.  Nico has gone off the grid and is gone dark for what reason I have no idea.  I would also like to add that my wife has gone out three times to Paris to pick up dresses,  who the dresses are for she won’t tell me.”

“OK Jacque your next up on the hot seat.  It seems this all started with you.”

“Oh Roman, this started way before I got involved.  You might want to talk to Beverly as to what her contribution has been since the beginning.  I can tell you that she and Riley came up with specific things for me to help with.  Riley had it written in such a way that I had no idea what the totality was until Riley was gone and I could sit down and look at my notes.  Even now I’m not sure exactly what it was that I did.”

“Well Jacque, you wouldn’t believe what’s been happening.  I can tell you one thing it freaked Nico and I out when Riley had a 5 minute conversation with us after Eoin was born.  It’s been great seeing her videos too.”

“How come you have seen the videos, but we have seen nada,” griped Jose. 

“Probably Jose it had to do with Nico and I having to train her as a submissive for the past few months until we handed her off to you guys.”

“That reminds me when am I gonna get a picture of my godson?” replied Chase.

Yes, this was just like herding cats.  Everybody was going off in different directions with no one having a clear understanding as to what actually was going on.  Roman felt a massive migraine coming on and knew that if Riley was before him now, her ass would be bright red from the paddling he would’ve given her.  He knew that her mental capacity exceeded the total of all the Doms and she was proud of it.  He only had one more person to ask and that was Aki and Nao. “OK my Japanese friends, what do you all have to add to this?  So far you are the only ones who haven’t been involved yet.”

“Roman, you’re not like what we have to tell you.  Riley contacted my father and arranged for the next meeting to be at the opening of his new hotel.  It is between 30 and 60 days away.”

So far there was nothing that they could put together that would help them protect Megan and or Riley.  When Riley had become a switch she had taken it to new heights, even her Doms had never known that she could put such a contorted and twisted plan together.  What they all had taken from this conference was that something was going to happen at the next meeting, no one could stop it and now Nico was missing.

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