The final message from Riley

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It was finally time to go to the next step.  Roman and Nico took Megan to see Franz and get a key.  You wore they get that I can add decided that she was finally lie watch video that Riley told her about.  Beverly had it all set up for it and waiting when she got there.

My sister

This is probably the hardest thing I could ask of another person especially myself. Megan, I need you to kill Theo and it has to be self-defense.

The key you are getting opens up a locker on Chase’s ranch.  What is inside the locker you will understand.  All the preparation must be completed on time.

Please Megan, don’t let me down. I can’t involve any of the doms, well any more than I have already. We only have until the next meeting which Aki and Nao will be calling. Nico will be flying with you as he is going to “let” Theo take his place. You will pick Theo and wait until her gets you alone. Megan you have to let him make the first strike, then kill him however you chose. Believe me you will have many options.

From now on Megan, you have to be me. You have a walk, talk, dress, and act like Riley. As soon as it is over, you are to go straight to Jacque; don’t let anyone or anything stop you.

I love you so much sister. Hopefully we will both be able to be called Treasure soon.

Megan sat quietly and waited for all that Riley had told her to sink in.  She knew that Riley had taken an awful long time to put all this together.  What Riley wanted her to do was to kill very person that had started all this.  If she was to understand what Riley meant at the end, was that somehow Jacque was going to be able to save both of them.  This was more than what Megan possibly have dreamed about.

She and Beverly talked for a few hours, as she listened to what Beverly had to say about killing another human being.  Theo had been on the run for over three years.  There was no hope that the proper authorities would be able to handle him.  Megan and Beverly talked about Riley, and finally Megan fully understood what Riley had sacrificed to get this point.  All during the time that Megan had been in control, Riley had been in the background making plans.  It was only when Riley had been in control that she had put her plans into effect.  She used each of her Doms in their own specific way.  Each of the Doms, unknown to each other, had contributed to this plot.  She finally left Beverly and waited for Roman and Nico to pick her up.

Roman and Nico both tried to find out what the next part of Riley’s plan was.  Megan knew that if she told any of the Doms about the plan, it may never happen.  Riley had used them so they couldn’t figure out a plan.

“Masters I think it’s time for us to the club again.”

“Why would you think that Megan,” Nico asked.

“That is the reason why right there.  My name is Riley and that is what you have to call me from now one.”

“Was that in the instructions?” Roman replied.

“Yes, and that is all you want to get out of me.“

The rest of the drive to the Hampton mansion was done in silence.  Each one of them had an awful lot on their minds.  Roman was wondering what Riley’s endgame was.  Nico was wondering why he’s been sent away.  Finally, Megan was thinking how she could keep this to herself.  It was causing an awful lot of attention till they were able to get in the mansion.

“We need to make plans to go see Franz as soon as you think I’m finished with this part.  Roman you and Nico can come with me, but Nico you will have to go home when we finished there. ”

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