The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Doms

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Riley wasn’t up the next morning. They had gotten her back on the IV and feeding tube. Beverly had decided to mickey finn her again with Bubba’s permission. Every seat in the large living room was taken with 14 doms, 6 wives and 3 subs. Subs were on the floor due to lack of seating. Obviously the doms and the 1 sub controlled the discussions. Roman being senior decided to try and control the chaos.

Bubba was the first to speak, beating out Roman. He thanked them all for extending their stay, what a great sacrifice they were making, how their support was needed and then dove right into what had happen from the last 6 months. He was able to give them even more facts after he had found Riley’s journal in the luggage and had read the last 6 months with Chloe. How his little sister had managed to take care of her husband full time, run a home and both hers and Seamus’s businesses with unskilled  help for over a month humbled him. He had also learned another truth in that journal, one he wasn’t going to share with them. Riley was Meca and she had shown Seamus her skills. She had been secretly using what they thought was her disability to benefit them all. She truly was a Treasure as Anne called her. He had also read that Riley was either going to take Meca public or look for investors. Her sole reason was to give a much to cancer research as she could from giving away part of herself. He closed by asking everyone to clear time for 6 months or a year, he wasn’t sure but he would let them know.

Roman, Nico and Chase knew Bubba wasn’t telling the whole story of Riley. Something in his look told them that there was a major thing he was leaving out with the talk of another meeting in 6 months or a year. Bashir had his eyebrow raised which meant he also had figured it out. If anyone could ferret out what they were missing he was the one. His intelligence service was legendary.  They now all understood why Riley was in the shape she was in.

Roman stood up and said, “The floor is now open for discussion about what to do with Riley. You guys that have wives, we understand, but your ideas would be helpful.” It had hardly left his mouth as 5 wives began attacking him, saying that they were probably better to take care of Riley than their male counterparts. This was going to be a long discussion.

Roman tried to calm everyone and continued. “The good doctors here want Riley hospitalized. That has been dropped as we all know what happen when she was last in there.” James leaned over and told Hiro about the dissolution of the agreement and Riley checking herself out. Hiro just sighed and hung his head.

His next statement did start the chaos. “I have decided to take a year’s sabbatical from my business to be with Riley. My family has already approved it. She can stay with me in New York”

Nico looked at Roman shaking his head. “We have a problem because I have already done the same thing. I am also opening my brownstone in New York.”

“Just wait a darn minute here,” said Chase. “I can do the same thing.”

All of her doms said for Riley they would do the same. Well, it looked like the easy way out wasn’t going to work. They finally had to break for lunch and to check on Riley. Bubba and Chloe got here first making Roman and Nico have to wait. As they leaned on the wall waiting their turn. Chloe came out guiding a completely broken Bubba.” They want to kill the baby!” sobbed Bubba. “ They say it could already have damage. I can’t do this to her. I can’t take the one piece of Seamus she has left. I can’t handle these decisions!” Roman and Nico just stood there. Nico was thinking what a bunch of quacks. Roman thinking that this would surely kill Riley. “You don’t have to make the decision right now, Bubba,” counseled Roman.

After lunch and after Roman told the group, minus the doctors this time, what had happen. They all got back to the main question, Riley. Everyone wanted Riley to stay with them. Some wanted to band together in 3 or 4 people and find a large home central to them. Bashir and Nadia wanted her with them, permanently. Bashir even going as far as having documents drawn up for Bubba to allow him limited control over Seamus’s companies. This brought another round of chaos.

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