Chapter 1

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The sun comes outs from behind the clouds and shines down on us. I stand in the middle of the filed, our couch stands in the middle of us two girls. She moves her whistle to her mouth and blows it when she throw the ball in to the air. We fight for it, the girl moves to bump my arm but I move out of the way. The ball moves to the left of us and I grab it with my lacrosse stick. I run like my ass is on fire with the other girls hot on my trill, but I'm the fastest runner on our team. I'm crossing the field in seconds with the ball in my lacrosse stick. I make it to the goalie bring my lacrosse stick up I throw the ball into the goal. I cheer and jump high in the air.

"Alright Parker that was amazing!" My couch Sadie says with a smile. I just finished the move we plain for the game on Saturday before school starts. She calls the team over and we talk about how we have to calm down and make sure to take care of our bodies. When shes done we walk back to the locker room. I throw of my lacrosse clothes and step into the shower. I wrap a towel around myself and put on a pair of my favorite guy boxers and sports bra. I put on plain jeans and a t-shirt and rub my shoulders. Being the middy of the team can really suck the life out of you. Middy is usually the best runners of the team. We play offense and defense. Without a good stick or feet skills then you'll never be a good middy. Also if you can't shoot or pass. I really think this is the hardest position to play other than the goalie. I put my sweat filled clothes in to my lacrosse bag and walk out of the locker room. I sit and wait on the bleaches for the dudes to get here. I wait for ten minutes but their still not here. What's taking them so long to get here? I waiting for Alex, John, Vic, Wes, Danny, and Dean. My best dudes in the whole wide world. We've all known each other since per-school. No matter what has happened in our lives we have stayed together. I look at my purple and black lacrosse stick. I look closely at it to see a rip in the black string. Shit! That's just great! Now I have to change them when I get home after the guys pick me up. The sound of a car honking snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up to see the guys black van pull up the street. I walk over to them and they open the door.

"Hey, there stupid." Alex says as he opens the doors of his black van. Last summer his parents got him this ugly broken down van and said if he could fix it, it was his. So we all came together and helped him fix it. After we got it to run and the air conditioning fix. We took out the seats in the middle put in blanks and pillows. We painted the old ugly red color and change it to black. That was my idea by the way. We only left the back seats and the front two seats. And with that the rest is history.

"Hey, there fat face." I smile and he grunts at me. I just roll my eyes and push him out of the way. I sit in on the seats in the back with Dean next to me. Dean for me is the middle guy in our little group. He doesn't say much but he sure does know a lot about us. I think he's the only one out of all of us that knows us better than ourselves. I punch his shoulder and he rubs it while I laugh.

"So what took you guys so long?" The guys smile and left up their hands. I look closer to see that there girls numbers. I roll my eyes and huff, I can't believe they let me stay in the hot sun for ten minutes.

"So you guys let me stay in the hot sun just so you guys could get some girls number?"

"Yup!" Vic says with a laugh and I punch him. Vic has to be the most prankster out of all of us. His like the king of pranks. In ninth grade he glued Alex to the toilet sit of his house. For weeks Alex had the mark of a toilet sit on his ass. John laughs at the face Vic makes at me and I punch him too.

"Ow! What was that for?" He rubs his left arm. The guy that's crying over me hitting him has to be hands down the sweetest talker I have ever seen. He can get any girl he wants. One time I saw he get a girl just with a blink of his eyes.

"For being a part of it!" I said with a roll of my eyes.

"What about Dean? He was in on it too." I look over at dean to see that he too had a cheeky grin on his face.

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