Chapter 4

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I sit there watching the video over and over again. My mind keeps going over the same questions. How exactly do I become a girl? Well I really get Wes to look at me? I can't do this by myself. Who's going to help me? My eyes look over the five guys on my floor and couch. No they can't help me. How could they even help? How could I even ask them for help? Should I ask them to help me? Oh my god I'm going out of my mind! I can't do this. Wes makes a noise next to me. Oh god his waking up! He blinks his eyes a few times. When his fully awake, his eyes move over to my laptop.

"Hey whatca doing?" I close the laptop and move it off my lap. Oh shit!

"Nothing!" I stand off the couch, trying desperately to get out of the living room. Wes grabs me by the arm ripping me towards him. But I trip over my feet and land on Vic and Alex. They wake up with a jump pushing me off them in the process. Wes grabs the laptop that my arms are tightly wrap around.

"No!" I scream bloody murder. Vic and Alex noticing what's happening. Grab me by the arms and hold me down to the floor.

"Get off of me fat face!" Danny's faces appear out of nowhere.

"Danny help me!" I try to kick Wes in the face. Only to end up kicking Dean, who's was on the floor near us. Looking at us like we're all crazy. Wes runs to the other side of the living room. He opens the laptop, his eyes go wide when he sees what I've been doing.

"How to be a girl for dummies!?" I feel my body heat up at the embarrassment. The guys flat out laugh there ass off. I feel my embarrassment go from that to anger. I push Alex and Vic off of me. Grabbing the laptop away from Wes.

"Shut the hell up! Or I will kill all of you!" They shut up knowing I would kill them. I walk to leave them but Wes stops me.

"So why were you searching that up?"

Because I'm completely in love with you, bitch.

"I wasn't it just pop up on me."

"Yeah sure, I know when you're lying Parker."

You don't actually.

"I'm not lying."

"Yeah, you kind of are." Vic joins in with Wes.

"Yeah, just tell us." John say out of nowhere. I give him an evil look.

"No, I think I won't." I walk up the stairs, only to have them follow me to my room.

"Come on just tell us! I thought we were your friends." Danny says. I don't say anything but sit down on my bed with the guys around me. Their eyes fall on mine and wait for my answer. I feel my body sag as I sigh, realizing I to have to tell them.

"I want to become a girl." Laughter fills the room.

"What?" Dean says from the window sill.

"Yeah what do you mean?" John sits down on my bed.

"I don't want to be a tomboy anymore. I want to be a girly-girl." The mood changes in the room completely. I feel my head spin at what I just said. Oh my god I just said that out loud.

"You! Parker Jane! The most tomboy of all tomboys! Wants to become a girly-girl! Why?!" Vic laughs, no more like dies with laughter. Wes and I at the same time hit Vic behind the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He rubs the back of his head.

"For being an ass!" I roll my eyes and give him a flat look.

"Why?" Wes voice is serious and unlike him. His greens eyes lock with mine.

I'm doing it because I'm in love with you. But I can't tell you that. Because you'll hate me and never talk to me again, or you won't feel the same way about me. Which I know you don't

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