School again? How..wasn't it Friday, last night? In reality, well No. Friday night was two nights back. The weekend had passed by, within a blink of an eye. Heh, is that even possible? Yes it is. For a person like me.
I only get to live my life, in the weekends. Its the time which I cherish the most, and try to enjoy every bit of it.
Because, during the weekend, I use every spare time of mine, to be on the Online World. Thats where I'm accepted for who am I, right? So why not live it to the most?
It's a high time I introduced myself. *sigh*
In reality, I'm 'The Insignificant Kayano Yukimura'.
Aged 15.
Siblings? Well none.
Bestfriends? No True bestfriend.
Friends? Yes I got friends. But I'm unable to label them as Real Friends due to some circumstances (mentioned in the last chapter).
Likes? Online life. Internet.
Dislikes? Everything related to reality.Well there's more. I like animes, reading books, listening to songs. Anything that distracts me or transports me away from the torture and truth of REALITY.
Now. In the online world, I'm "Shikaki".
Cheerful and friendly.
Loves making new friends.
Helpful. Kind gentle. (Once u get to know me well in reality and earn my trust, I'm the same as mentioned just above. But thats a rare case.)
Bestfriends? Yep! Nagisa and Glow.
Close friends? Yeah! Loads!
Friends? I got lovely trustworthy friends!
Siblings? Yush.
Likes? Everything!
Dislikes? Reality.See the contrast?
---------------------------------After I finished texting my friends. I got up and went to the washroom. The mirror showed me a girl with black (deep brown) lively eyes which were nearly covered with thick deep-brown bangs. Her eyes were framed by geeky glasses, making her look like a studious girl.
Yes. She is studious. All that she does in school is study. And listen to teachers.
Thin lips, which hardly curves into a smile (except when on the net), were staring back at me with a blank expression as she raised her eyebrow as if questioning me. And, her long hair was tied into a messy bun, which resembled a crow's nest.
I giggled. So that's me. When I'm alone and I get to reveal my true identity. Thats the real living Shikaki. My true nature.
I quickly took a bath. Slipped on the monotonous uniform. Braided my hair. Back brushed my bangs and clipped them, to make myself more presentable in school.
Who cares? None.
But I do. I do not want my reputation as a good student, to be ruined by my bangs.I unlocked my phone and looked through the messages I had received while I was busy.
I chatted with my friends while having breakfast. Well, mom had to leave early today, so there wasnt anyone to supervise on me. Grandparents were having their morning tea.
I then bid my leave from my online friends,"Sorry guys, gtg to school now..bye! C u later!!".
It was about leave for prison. 6 hours later I'd be back...back to my own self..back to my life.
I sat at my school. In left side of the classroom, beside the window. I looked out into the blue sky and the busy streets below. The teacher had not yet come. My so called friends were gossiping about something. But I zoned them out, as the face of one special person appeared in front of me, in my mind.
"I miss you so much......Bae.. Can't wait to be back home to talk to you."
Thats it for "Morning"!!
phew...*wipes imaginary sweat off my forehead* thanks for reading!!
-Yours sincerely,
Shikaki ( heheheh )

Teen FictionHighest rank- #752 We all go through a lot during our lifetime. Some just prefer to write them down. Here's Shikaki, a random girl, who wants me to write down her life story in the version of a book. So let's delve into the journey- ONLINE. For a g...