The sound of ripples..... Ripples? From where did it come? Oh well I forgot. Thats my message tone. Someone must have texted me. But who'd message me at such an hour? My alarm hadn't gone off yet.. what time was it?
I slowly rubbed my eyes, wore my glasses, and took my mobile from the bedside table.
5 notifications :
1 from my dada (brother) - Naruto "Nanadaime Hokage" Uzumaki
2 from some random group where I rarely went
2 from Best Buddies
I opened my private chat with Naruto-
Naruto: Ohayo gosaimasu
Naruto: I beat Nagisa. Lol
I replied : Ohayoooooo Naru-dada ! early!?That's what I called him.."Naru-dada"
Time? 3:12 am. No wonder my alarm hadn't rung. What was my brother doing up so early?? Maybe he had studies. But at this hour? Who knows....
People are not like me, who have sleepless nights, dream of slimey creatures, or cry whole night.
Naruto: I wake up early and study...
Me: oh...
The conversation went on for sometime. Till I felt sleepy again...and bid my leave...
But sleep didn't overtake me.. I just lay there, looking into the darkness.
[Four years ago]"Ohhh look.. there she is..hahaha!"
"Yeah! The cry baby...drama queen!"
"Dont forget, she's also a brainwasher! !"
"Exactly! Beware..."
"Hahahahhaha shortie. Scared?"
"Oh she'll start bawling again!"
"I don't even know why she's in our class. Why did we have to be the ones to tolerate her?"
"Who knows..."
"Look! She's talking to that girl over there now. God knows what she's telling her.."
"Brainwashing her against us maybe?"
"Yeah you are correct. With special detergents."
"I'm scared..what if she turns them against us?"
"Oh you shut up. Don't behave like that cranky girl."
"Haha what more do you think can a stupid girl like her tell bout us?"
"Hmmm..if I think about it, she can't tell much. Imagine...she didn't know anything about us when she wanted to join our group"
"True! She thought that she knew us! Miss know it all."
"Stupid idiot. I dont even know why she came to us. She's just a burden. A weak donkey amongst a group of tough lions"
"And who are the lions?"
"We!!!! Haha! And lions always love to devour weak creatures."
"But a donkey? "
"Ewww..they don't have any brain.. Nooo I don't wanna devour a donkey and become brainless."

Teen FictionHighest rank- #752 We all go through a lot during our lifetime. Some just prefer to write them down. Here's Shikaki, a random girl, who wants me to write down her life story in the version of a book. So let's delve into the journey- ONLINE. For a g...