Part 2

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"Father, don't you think you're being too hard on them?" Prince Atemu asked "I mean, they only stole from the Wong family because they were starving and-"


Atemu flinched at his father's booming voice.

"I don't care how hungry they are. They stole from a nobleman that is against the law. Therefore they have to be puni- *chough* *chough*"

Atemu ran to his father's side "Father! This is your third coughing fit today. You should go-"

The Pharaoh pushed Atemu away "A true king shows no weakness. Something you lack, now get out of my sights. I'm done discussing the matter with you! People are complaining about how over half of their slaves ran away and it's complete chaos at the farms! I have no time for you"

"But I- "


Atemu ran out of throne room. He hated that his father was so cruel, but he couldn't do anything because he was only a prince.

When Atemu got to his room he was surprised to see his cousin Seto there. Seto turned when he heard the door open.

"Relax, I'm only dropping off some scrolls that Simon wanted you to memorize."

Atemu groaned and threw himself on his giant bed.

"Ruff day?" Seto asked.

"You have no idea." Atemu replied into his pillow. He sat up and looked over the scrolls. His cousin was his only true friend in the palace. Everyone else just wanted to kiss ass because he was next in line for the throne. Because his mother was assassinated a couple days after he was born he was the only one that could take the throne.

"So how is your love search going?" he asked Seto hoping to brighten up the mood.

Seto sighed and sat down on the other end of his bed "Not good. Everyone in the palace just throws themselves at my feet. It gets annoying after a while."

"Well duh! Your part of royal council and my cousin. Women will throw themselves at your feet anywhere in Egypt."

"Yeah... but I want to find someone that will fight back once in a while." Seto got up and walked out onto the balcony overlooking the garden. Atemu put down the scroll he was reading to follow.

"You think our true loves are out there somewhere?" Seto asked quietly. Atemu shrugged "You never know, maybe there out their waiting for us to sweep them off their feet." He chuckled halfheartedly.

"I'm being serious Atemu. Unlike you I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life."

"Hey, I want to eventually get married but we're only 17. I'm just saying that we should can wait a couple years."

The sun started to set alone the horizon.

"It's getting late, we should go to bed." Seto said.

"I know but I want to watch the sunset. It's not every day we have the time to just sit back and watch the sun go down." Atemu sat down on the ledge of the balcony.

"Don't stay out here too long. The Pharaoh wants you to be up early tomorrow." Seto said as he started to walk out the door.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say mom." Atemu joked and decided to sleep out on the balcony that night.

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