Part 7

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"Out of all the jobs in the palace, we just had to be on kitchen duty." Joey complained.

"Joey, we're girls now. Girl slaves don't do manual labor." Yugi reminded him as they walked down the palace halls early that morning. Their first job in the palace was to deliver breakfast to all the lords and mistresses.

"Still, I'd rather be outside working and getting stronger." Joey said and flexed his muscles.

"Joey stop that. We can't take any chances of anyone finding out we're not girls or that we're both leaders of the rebellion." Yugi said in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, yeah we'll be fine. No ones roaming the halls this early in the morning." Joey said and stopped when he got to Lord Seto's door.

"Well this is my stop." he gave Yugi a quick smile and a nudge on the shoulder "See ya at dinner."

"Yeah, you better not get into trouble." Yugi said and kept walking down the long halls.

"I make no promises." Joey joked and watched Yugi turn a corner.

Joey sighed and knocked on the door.

"You can come in." he heard from the other side. He opened the door and looked down. "Your breakfast, my lord."

"Well it's about time. What took you so long."

Joey clenched his fists and had to stop himself from punching whoever it was in the face. "Sorry that my timing was not to your convenience my lord." she mumbled.

"What was that? I couldn't here you. You might wanna speak up."

He growled a little and walked towards the door. 'Yugi said not to get in trouble and I was so close to snapping this guys neck.'

"You know only dogs growl."


Joey quickly turned around and glared into stunning blue eyes. His voice died in my throat and he couldn't help but look down at Seto's strong chest. 'That is so unfair! I work hard to get a muscular body and this pretty boy has even more muscles than me! I bet he doesn't even do any manual work being an upper class citizen.' he thought

"What all bark no bite?" Seto smirked.

'That's the same jackass from the throne room!' Joey's mind screamed. 'No wonder his voice sounded so familiar, quick say something to take him down a peg.'

"Y-Your dumb."

'Wow, great come back.' Joey thought sarcastically.

~~~Seto's POV~~~

I was getting dressed when I heard a knock at the door. I didn't have my tunic on but I had my kilt(A/N don't know what the bottom part of the Egyptian outfit is called, just roll with it)

"You can come in." I said.

I was surprised to see the blond girl from yesterday walk in. "Your breakfast, my lord." she said and set a tray full of food on my desk. I frowned, I didn't like that she wasn't treating me like an equal. What happened to that fire in her eyes?

"Well it's about time. What took you so long?" I said wanting to start a conversation.

She mumbled something. That is not what I wanted.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you. You might wanna speak up." my plan was to get her angry so that she would as least say something... anything.

She growled and started to walk out. I could tell she was angry, but I wanted her to yell at me. Maybe that will spark something.

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