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*these next few parts will be focused on troye's new ep. it's incredible, go listen to it if you haven't already*

I kept thinking of Troye.

Every day.

I kept thinking of everything I wanted to do to him.

Wait. That sounds bad.

Disregard that.

But I kept thinking of everything we could accomplish together and when I would see him next.

He went on a trip back to Australia to see his family for a week.

It's been a day and I already miss him a lot.

When he landed there, he texted me that he missed me.

It's no surprise that I miss him too.

Since timezones were so off, he had to sleep soon so he said a few last things to me before he went off into dream land.

T: Kiss me

T: On the mouth and

T: Set me free

T: But please don't bite

It sounded like lyrics, but whose?

I looked them up on Google and found that he wrote them.

Yes Troye did.

I was really wondering why he sent them to me. Did he really want me to kiss him?

C: Will do.

He sent me a winky face.

Oohhh Troye Boy is getting kinky.

Wait did I really just say that?

I am actually really embarrassed right now.


Troye quit replying to me and obviously went to sleep.

Oh how I wish I was sleeping next to him.

Maybe soon.



Today I got a lot of work done that I've been putting off for a while. I am trying to keep up with my YouTube channel but it's been difficult for me.

Each week I create something that I'm not proud of. Sometimes I even skip weeks and that's not likely for me.

It's terrifying how the mind works.

One day you're so happy and full of inspiration, and another day you're depressed and out of luck in everything you do.

Most days I have been happy because of Troye. When I'm with him, my problems go away. Now that he's gone, I don't know how things are going to be.

To Troye: Come back, I miss you.

Okay, but how awkward would it be if Troye read all of these?

Sometimes I feel like he has.

Like, I get this instinct that he knows exactly what expectations I have, and what I like to do.

Obviously that's me being unreasonable, but it seriously feels real.


I'm getting sad right now so I decided to write and get my feelings out.

God I hate myself.

The later it becomes, the more sad I am.

Everything is crashing down on me.

I am terrified that Troye will come back from his trip and decide that he doesn't love me anymore.

I don't like this feeling

Someone please help me, I don't know what is going on.

I can't breathe right.

What if I see Troye walking down the street and he acts like I don't exist? What if he decides he never wants to see me again? What if he never wants to fix things if I do something horrible? What if he gets a new boyfriend when he's in Australia?

What if?

I know there is only one thing to do when I get sad, and that is to call my sister.


Oh god. She didn't answer.

Please help me.


I'll call my mom now.

She's the next person I would want to talk to.


"Oh hey sweetie!"


"Yeah? What's up? I'm on vacation right now....gotta make this quick! I'm afraid the service will cut out"

C: Mom, I'm scared about someone really important leaving me. What do I do?

"Well,, I re...all...y think yo..u"

The phone dropped out.


What do I do now?

Why am I even writing that question down?

It's not like it will be answered any time soon.


To Troye: I still miss you.

To Troye: I still love you.

To Troye: I still need you.

Written By Me, Connor | (Tronnor)Where stories live. Discover now