Chapter 21: Bussin

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I got a grab my gun because bitches bussin outside stay your ass up in the house ain't nothing outside. - Chief Keef

I watch Cheetah walked out the door and I knew I lost her for good. A part of me wanted to crawl up in a hole and just die but instead I just walked out the room. I walked to the front of the club and saw Cheetah giving a lap dance to a nigga. Our eyes connected for a minute then she quickly broke away from my gaze. I zipped up my coat and exited Baby Doll. I got in my Beamer and drove out the parking lot.

Hennessy was the only thing on my mind and I craved for it. I took a bottle of Hennessy out my glove compartment and popped the lid off. My mind was all over the place and I needed something to stop all the thoughts racing through my head. The feeling of lonesomeness took over me as I continue to drive. My life is all fucked up and I'm tired of fighting. What the fuck am I fighting for?

The two people I loved the most betrayed me in the worst way. Cheetah doesn't want to be with me anymore, but then again I can't blame her. I did her dirty from sneaking behind her back with Monicia to calling her all sorts of names when she kicked me out. Maybe it was karma I'm feeling for all the bad things I did to Cheetah.

I'm reaping what I sowed.

I parked my car to in a abandon parking lot and got out. I walked to the edge where the water was. I began to roll a blunt and folded it between my lips. I lit it up and took a puff, taken a long inhale. I stared down at the water and reminisced about all the good times Marco and I had here as adolescences. We smoked our first blunt and dumped my first body here.

We were hoodlums and did shit muthafuckas couldn't believe we were doing. Robbing people, selling drugs, running trains on bitches. Some people said we wouldn't live to see our eighteenth party or would be in prison but we proved them wrong. We're not dead nor in prison. I'm not scared of death shit whenever it's my time to go it will come. It's thug life until I check out this bitch.

I took out my glock from my waistband of my Gucci belt and stared at it. This gun is all of known my entire life. Some niggas say this lifestyle gets old but not to me. The adrenaline rush I get from bussin on niggas and peeling their wig back never gets old.

I put the gun to my head and closed my eyes. Thoughts of suicide clouded my vision. My finger played with the trigga of the gun. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to press on it but I didn't have the balls to do it. I lowered the gun to my side and dropped it to the ground.

"I'm tripping." I said aloud to myself.

There's no way I can go down like this. This is the coward way out and I'm not going down like a coward. I have unfinished business with Monica and Marco. They asses going to feel my wrath and I won't stop until I see both of them are in a casket.

I walked back to my car and drove off in the night. I'm about to pay a visit to Ruth bitch ass. This nigga owe me 20 gs for all the work I fronted him three weeks ago. The punk ass nigga supposed to pay me back last week. This bitch better have my money like Rihanna. I tried to be nice and give him a couple more days but he took my kindness for a weakness. Niggas sleep on me because I'm a female but be in for a rude awaking when I bust a cap in their ass.

I pulled up on Ruth's block and he was outside on the corner, talking shit with a couple niggas. I got out the car and walked up to him.

"Yo, what's up Ruth?" I yelled out to him. He turned around and smiled.

"What's up my nigga Moni? How you been?" He greeted me as he gave me dap.

"Not so good." I replied.

"Why is that?" He asked dumbfounded. This nigga is stupider than I thought. Nigga act like he don't owe me 20 gs. He should know no good deed gets done for free.

"You didn't pay me back for the bricks I gave you three weeks go. Remember you were supposed to pay me back last week?" I asked.

Ruth licked his lips nervously and rubbed his hands together.

"Yeah I remember. It's just things been slow around here," He answered. I know he was lying because this nigga had ten thousand Rolex watch and a big flashy customized chain around his neck. Who the fuck he think he fooling?

"That's a nice Rolex you have right there." I said sarcastically. He averted his eyes from my cold heartless stare.

"Look, I'll have your money just give me another week." Ruth suggested.

"Nigga I already gave you three extra days.You're time is up. You going give me my money right now or I'm a get the bussin." I threatened.

"I don't have th-"

I shot him right between his eyes and his body dropped face first on the concrete. Bullets began to fly through the air and I ducked for cover behind a white van. I fired shots back and hit one nigga in his leg. He yelped in pain and fell to the ground, holding his bullet wound. Blood covered his pants and hands. Although one of their soldiers got hit, they still kept shooting rounds. They decorated the van with bullets and glass shattered above my head.

I loaded up my gun and peeped around the corner. I aimed the gun at the dude that was the closest. He had a glock 43 in his hand and hid behind a Honda accord. He came out from behind the car and that's when I shot him in the chest.

Two down one to go.

The sound of the night was silent and bullets scattered through out the street. I got up and walked away from behind the van. A big black figure appeared with a gun in his hand aiming it at me. On reflexes I filled him up with bullets. Six bullets hit him in his chest and his body fell in the grass. I walked closer to him and he was choking on his own blood and his eyes were wide open. It looked like he was trying to fight death so I took him out his misery and shot him in the head. His body laid completely still.

I was the last nigga standing as always.

Smoke came out from my gun as I walked back to my Beamer. Police sirens wailed in the background. I sped off from the crime scene and tucked my gun back into the glove apartment. I know I'm a have to lay low for awhile.

Sorry for the wait & excuse mistakes

My science teacher get on my nerves with all this fucking homework like bitch its the weekend we only got two days off don't nobody want to do no fucking boring ass science hw with all them fucking definitions a bitch trying to get high & enjoy herself I'm tireddd of her class already & its only been two weeks.

Do you think Moni is on a road of self destruction?

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Also thanks to all my loyal readers who vote and comment every chapter really appreciate you guys.




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