Chapter 29:Unloved

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Check out my new book Pornstar its going to be some wild & freaky shit in there so be prepared sis

Cheetah POV

I woke up in the hospital bed. I'm confused and in pain. I don't have no clue why I'm here.

"Baby, you're finally awoke!" I hear a female voice say. I looked at her. I didn't know who she is and why she's  here.

"I'm not your baby and who are you?" I asked. I held my head as I began to hear ringing noises in my head.

I hissed in pain and the woman came to my aid.

"Relax. Take it easy."

She held my hand and it comforted me.

"I will be back. I'm a get Candy and the nurse to tell them that you're awake." I scrunched my face up in confusion. Who is Candy? I don't nobody named Candy.

"Mami, you're awake! Thank God, I was worried about you!' A Spanish girl exclaimed as she put kisses all over my face.

I pushed her away.

"Lady, get away from me. I don't know you. Who are you people?" I demanded. I wanted answers and they weren't giving me any.

The Spanish girl burst out in tears.

"What happened to her?" She asked hysterical.

"It seems she is suffering from memory lost. When her head hit the pavement, it caused her a major head injury. Head injuries lead to major memory lost."

"Will her memory ever come back?" The other girl questioned.

"I don't know, ma'am. Only time will tell. Until then, I suggest that you guys be patience and be there for her through her recovery." The doctor explained.

"Thanks Doc."

'No problem."

The doctor walked out.

"Baby you hungry? Want something to eat?" The stud asked.

"For the last time I'm not your baby!" I yelled.

She held my hand.

"Ok, calm down. No need to get yourself worked up about it. I'm just trying to see if you're hungry, that's all."

"Stop talking to me like I'm a baby, I'm not slow." I said as I began to cry again.

Candy hugged me and let me cry into her chest.

"We're only here to help you, Cheetah. We want to make sure you're comfortable and OK. Do you want something to eat?"

"Yes." I replied quietly.

"Ok. I'm a go get you something to eat. Trae's going to stay here to keep a eye on you. Are you OK with that?"

I nodded my head. Candy walked out, leaving Trae  and me alone. She sat in the chair next to me and turned on the TV. She switched to a Reality TV show called Love & Hip Hop. I didn't know what was going on but it still entertained me.

Twenty minutes later, Candy came back with the food. My stomach growled from the smell of it. She pulled out my food and it had a bacon cheese burger with fries seasoned with obey season.

Candy got the ketchup and sprayed it on my French fries. I ate it up in a matter of minutes then went back to sleep.

A Week Later...

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