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~Ashley's POV~

I'm laying next to a sleeping Andy. My arms are still wrapped over his stomach, my head on his chest. I'm wearing one of his shirts and he's shirtless, only in boxers. I smile and kiss his cheek, he moves his head and smiles. Laying my head back down i breathe in, his smell is intoxicating. I kissed his chest.

I looked back up at him and he sleepily layed his arm on my back and started petting my hair before falling back asleep. I curled back up to him and closed my eyes.

"I might be drunk on you Andy." I say to myself and smile.

"Hello ashes." Andy says with his morning voice. I didn't mean to wake him. I tried to be quiet so he would fall back asleep. His breathing evened out and i relaxed but he moved and kissed my head. "Good morning my prince."

My cheeks heated up, "good morning baby." I said hiding my face in his chest again. His smell invaded again and I completely relaxed again. I started drawing absent minded circles on his torso and running my hands up and down his skin. "You're so intoxicating." I said.

Andy laughed and moved down so we were eye to eye. He kissed me gently on the lips for a couple seconds. When he pulled back i layed my head on him again and shut my eyes. I sighed and put my hands across his tummy again.

"I love you Andy."

"I love you too Ashley." He said smiling. I looked back up at him and he ran his fingers through his hair. I could smell his shampoo and his skin. God he smells orgasmic.

"Mmm you smell good." I said giggling a little after.

"What's it with you and my smell babe?" He said laughing. "I could just come off stage and us both be sweating and yet you tell me i smell good. I wake up in the morning, I smell good. Hell i eat breakfast and i smell good to you."

"It's because you smell like you." He started laughing slightly. "Like I said, you're intoxicating Andy." I said laying my head back down and shutting my eyes.

He moved under me and pulled me so I was laying parallel on top of him. I turned my head with my eyes still closed. After a second I curled my legs up to the sides of his hips.

I started to drift off to sleep and he kissed my hair. I fell asleep. I soon woke up in a panic, screaming.

"Ashley I'm coming!" Andy ran up the stairs and come and held me.

"You left. You had to have left." I said panicking and attempting to inhale his scent so i would calm down.

"What do you mean. I just went to the bathroom."

"I don't have nightmares when you are laying with me. I did, you left. You had to of." I said finally starting to calm down.

"I'm here now. I'm back. See I'm right here holding you, you're okay. You're okay. It's alright." I breathed in one last time and i quit shaking. I calmed down. I curled up next to him and closed my eyes again.

"I'm safe." I said, more to myself than him. He won't let anyone hurt me. He loves me, he really does. I love him. He will keep me safe. I smiled and tried to get closer to him. Realizing it was impossible to do so, I kissed his chest and relaxed again.

I'm finally okay....

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