Self-Harm Levi x Reader

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Edited: 2/09/18

(Y/N) Pov

"(Y/N) will you go and check on Levi he was ment to be coming on another experiment with me" Hanji said patting my shoulder "uh. . . Why can't you do it Hanji" "because he won't hurt me, like throw a knife near my head unlike you, he likes you~" "fine, but you got to give me your bread at dinner" she nodded and I walked towards Captians room, I stopped right in front of his door, I was about to Knock until I heard a bang, I opened the door a little bit to see the Captians desk flipped and papers along the floor, then I let my suspicions get to me and I snuck inside "uh Captain-" all I could see was a little blade stuck in the wall an inch away from my head 'he won't hurt me she said' 'you won't get knife thrown at you she said', I pulled the blade out of the wall and what I saw blood dripping off it "Captain what are you doing?" I ask with no emotion "get out (L/N) you have no right to be here now leave" "I know what your doing you fucktard" "what did you call me" and in a second he throws a punch but I swiftly doge it sending a kick to his stomach, he stumbled back holding his stomach "Capitan why would you do that?" " It's none of your business cadet" I put the blade against my throat "I'm only asking once now sir tell me why or you lose the best cadet you have" " NOBODY CAERS ABOUT ME OK NOW BUT THE BLADE DOWN" he yelled, I moved the blade away from my neck and throw it one centemeter away from his head "now I know it's not my place to say anything but you are one stuiped fucking idiot" "what did you call me" "look you pice of shit you got a whole squad that likes, you even Hanji likes you, but your to fucking blind to see it, wop-de-do your fucking old squad died I saw my whole village be murdered and I was only six, why don't you grow a pair and fucking get over yourself" I grabed his arm and he winced of the pain, I pulled him over to his bed and grabed the first aid kit and started to wrap up his arm "do you have anymore?" I asked as he nodded his head "I got some along my back" "take off your shirt" "what!!" he said with his cheeks dusted with a light pink "don't make me rip off your shirt just do it" he took off his shirt and his body oh my walls, who knew that the Capitan rocked a pack "cadet stop staring at my pack and do my back" "oh sorry, ok Capitan I need you to stand up" after that he stood up "cadet can I tell you something" "anything Captain" "the other reason I cut is you" "what do you mean by me" "because the the other guys flirt with you" "and your jelly"

"Yeah, you could say that, but I don't like them flirting wth the girl I like" after he said that he wrapped his arms around my slim waist kissing my neck "I really like you" he whispered in my ear "(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, I just stood there confused at what just happened "I like you too Captain" "(Y/N) just call me Levi" "ok Levi..." he put a hand on my cheek and all the blood in my body rushed to my face, he moved in closer and until our lips were centemeters away "(Y/N) WHATS TAKING SO LONG-" Hanji screamed while throwing the door open and as teh door opened she froze on the spot looking at what was about to happen, Levi turned his head away from my face to look at hanji dead in the eye "hey shitty-glasses thanks FOR KNOCKING I ALMOST KISSED HER" he said  "see ____ I told you shorty liked you" once hanji said that she walked out of the office and levi once again turned to look at me, and without a second thought kissed me right on the lips.

Word count: 710

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