Christmas special levi x reader part2

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The Christmas party

Levi's pov

A few hours after (Y/n) called me a pervert the Christmas party was on and mostly everyone was drunk but (Y/n) she just smiled at everyone having a good time and she was having fun too she was singing and dancing but I always caught her looking my way and blushing so I walked over to her and smirked "you are always looking at me what's your deal brat" "oh nothing Levi" "so about before did you really mean to call me a pervert" "urh yes" I grabbed he chin so I could kiss her again and everything died down and all you could hear was Hanji screaming "CHOPPIN IN LEVI" I looked at her strangely and all she did was laugh like she was going to piss her pants, then everyone looked at (Y/n) and she was red again "I uh like you too Levi oh and I got a present for you too" she said grabbing a gift from under the tree and handing it to me

(Y/n) pov

I giggled as I handed Levi his gift he looked strangely at it like he never got a gift before "go in open it" after I said that he opened it and I bursted out in laughter he held up the Christmas jumper that says 'short stack elf' with a knitted chubby Levi in a elf costume "love you Levi" I said, then a dark aurora surrounded him he shot me a glare and I turned and ran for my life and all you could hear was " YOU LITTLE SHIT IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!" god I love than short stack.

(A/n: Hey hey peps I know it's not as good as my other one but it's fucking 5:00am and no sleep cause I wanna open up my Star Wars and vampire knight stuff but nooo I can't so please tell me I I did something wrong thank vote, follow and love)


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