Tate x Reader

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This chapter is for Jem_haynes my lovely sister miss you jemma so here is your chapter hope you love it.

Y/n pov

"Y/n when are you going to put that book down and talk to me" Tate said laying next to me on the bed "I will when I finish reading this chapter" "you said that an hour ago" he retorted back I just waved him off with my hand, then he snatch the book out of my hands, through it across the room and rolled on top of me "Tate what are you doing??" "So now you talk to me huh" be said getting closer to my face and pecked my lips "y/n if you don't talk to me more I'm going to get jealous of your book" I just laughed at his comment "you know I love you" I said looking into his eyes "I  know you do but by the looks of it you love the book more than me" "why would you say that??" "Cause your trying to reach for it with your small arms" I just signed and kissed him on the lips, when we broke for air he kissed my jaw line, my neck then my stomach which tickled like hell "I love you Y/n very much and reached behind him to pull a knife then he stab me over and over " W-what a-are you doing" I chocked out "I'm doing this for you so we can stay together for ever and ever and EVER!!"

Tates pov

After my blackout everything was blurry and I had a knife in my hand?? And blood fuck what did I do??!? I looked up to find Y/n covered in blood "Y/n...Y/n...come one wake up" I put pressure on the stab wounds I caused "WAKE UP PLEASE...WAKE UP" I held her face and kissed her on the lips "just wake up please".

(A/n I know this is shit jem but I don't know how you would want Tate to act out so he's a killer and killed you for love how sweet though and I know he was out of character too I'm sorry but happy new year please kill me when I get home jem cause its shit and sorry it's so short)


RANDOM LEMON & ONE-SHOTS WOW!! (Under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now