Christmas Special Levi x Reader Part 1

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Levi's pov

It'f fucking Christmas and I hate Christmas cause that's when the mess happens the food, wrapping paper, drunk people and worse of all the hangovers and with these people it's not good one bit, but when it comes to (Y/n) she's all right she's smart, careful  plus she can take care of herself right.....right she will be fine "HEY CAPTAIN SHORTY!!" "What do you want shitty glasses?" "Oh nothing just wondering when are you going to make your move on (Y/n) ah" she said winking at me "would you shut up shitty glasses" "COME ON!" someone yelled I left shitty glasses to do find out what was going out, I went in to the mess hall and it was all decorated and I can see was (Y/n) in a Christmas dress that only came down to her knees and I saw her jumping up trying to reach the top of the Christmas tree with a star in her hand "tch brat what the fuck are you doing?" She turned around and her (e/c) eyes sparked up "Levi God I'm so happy your here well you see I need help butting the star up but I'm to short to do to" she said while pouting she looked adorable "I'll help" I said as I walk towards her, I picked her up so she could reach the top, I tried not to look at her ass but man it's so fine, once she put the star on and once she did that I put her on her own two feet "thanks a lot Levi" "your welcome" I turned around and saw hanji pointing up, I looked up to see mistletoe dangling above us "(Y/n)" "yeah?" I pointed up and all she did was blush a deep red.

Y/n's pov

I looked up and saw mistletoe and a fishing wire leading all the way to hanji's hand, I looked and mouthed 'I'm going to kill you' and all she did was laughed, I sighed until I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to Levi and then he kissed me on the lips I was so shocked at what just happened, he pulled away and whispered "I really really like you and your dress is a little short by the way" then he walked away and it took a few seconds as everything sink in and once it did I blushed as bright as my dress and yelled "YOU LITTLE FUCKING PERVET!!!!".

(A/n: I was going through this book and my most read chapter was Levi so I'm going to make a bunch of Levi one shots into a book that will come out on the first of January and part two will come out to on Christmas wow so peace out love you all hope you have a fun holiday and p.s Ice and Blood is my vampire knight book and feel free to check it out =^.^=)


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