Panda Eyes Part 2

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Time skip three days later

Garra's pov

I walked to (Y/N)'s room and knocked on her door "(Y/N) its been three days can you please talk to me now" "..." "(Y/N) please let me in" "...." I had enough of waiting so I opened her door and walked in her room, I walked round trying to find her and the last place I haven't checked yet was the bathroom as I walked closer I could hear water running 'that's why she didn't answer the door she's probably having a steaming hot shower' I walked away from the door and laid down on her bed and blushed at what I said 'I'm creepy'.
After a few minutes the bathroom door opened I looked to find a (H/L) (H/C) girl with only a towel on that only stopped at mid thigh "G..GARRA W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE" she yelled with a red glowing face "its been three days or have you forgot" "n-no I haven't now please hand me my clothes" "on one condition" "why what is it?" " not telling is it a yes or no"

(Y/N)'s pov

What's his game I'm freezing and he won't give me my clothes what's his deal?? "Uh fine only cause I'm freezing cold" he stood up and walked toward me and wrapped one arm and pulled me closer towards him and put to fingers under my chin making me look up at him "G-Garr W-what are you doin-" then he slammed his lips on mine and I kissed back 'WHAT AM I DOING STOP KISSING HIM ME STOOP' we pulled away for air "do you love me (Y/N)?" He asked with hope in his voice "yes" I whispered "mm what I couldn't hear you~" he said back my right eye twitch "I said yes I love you Garra I always have" "that's nice to hear from you" "now give me my clothes you creep" "ne I like holding you like this" after he said that I punched him in the gut "get out now" "okay see you later babe" he said walking out the door and closing it "how on earth did I fall for him??".

(A/n: I know this is super super late but you see my family likes to steal the internet for themselves and I have non but hey its up and done now a heads up my little sister is writing a book on here so please check it out posted and her name is Chels so yep now vote, comment, and love)


RANDOM LEMON & ONE-SHOTS WOW!! (Under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now