Eren x Reader

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Edited: 2/09/18

Eren's Pov

Her bright E/C glittered in the sun light, I might be in titan form but Y/N looks hot, like come on she's right under Levi in all skill's, even fucking cleaning, like how the hell can she do that, I cant even make my bed right and where she can do everything right, what am I doing we are meant to be on a fucking mission and I'm over thinking about a smoking hot girl awww I'm gonna cop it later.

~time skip to night time in the forest~

As night fall came the squad was setting up camp and traps in-case titans decide to show up. Once camp and the traps where set up. I walked into a tent without second thought and saw (Y/N) covered by a towel because her uniform are ripped due to a battle that happened while ago, she turned around to look at me, she didn't care that she i walked in and looked at me and said " Eren this isn't your tent" she knows my name " oh sorry there wasn't anyother tents i could sleep in and I thought-" she cut me off " no its fine, I'm gonna take a swim to clean up so why don't you rest up" all I nodded my head.

(Y/N) Pov

 I headed to a decent size lake, I took off my towel and hung it on a near by tree. I walked into the semi warm water and sat down, just enough that the water was just under my nose so i can breath. After five minutes or so I heard a stick snap, I got up ready to fight a peeping tom, but it was only Eren looking lost, once he saw me standing in the nude his face went from normal to red hot. I sat back down enjoying the water once again " are you lost Erin?" I said tieing (H/C) hair into a bun so it dosen't get wet, " yea I am lost, I was just looking for a place to bathe, but your here-" "come in the water is nice" I said there was a moment of silence, but i heard him come closer taking off his clothes and wrapping a towel around his waist so i couldnt see anything , while he slowly entering the water I got a really good view of his body, and it looked better up close. 

~Time Skip~

After sitting in the water with a nervious Eren I decided to break ice and moved close enough to feel his body heat " so Eren how are you?" once i asked his face is yet again red " good i guess" " so out off all the girls in the corp you like me huh?" "who told you!?" " Mikasa" " she would" he said crossing his arms, while he was burning the water with his stare, I swam towards him and made him look up at me, his emerald eyes looking into mt (E/C), I moved in closer and pressed my lips against his.


Word count: 519

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