Part 19

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"Pracy, it shouldn't be too hard getting around this place-"

Pracy glared at his team member "would like to navigate Fals? Since you seem so confident"

Fals shook his head, crossing his arms and watched his surroundings. Him, Pracy and Morzg came to South Korea after finding Purcell in the northern regions of the UK.

Purcell rubbed his temples as a growing headache started to increase in pain while the other 2 grown men bickered like housewives about their men, only for Morzg to join in.

"Men" Purcell started, making the other 3 shut it immediately.

"We are here to find 2 of our members, we do not leave family behind. However..." he paused, slowly turning around, directly throwing death glares right at them.

"If you don't stop and I find my girls with just even a scratch, I will have you torn limb to limb or even set in a bucket of army ants" the 3 grown men let their eyes grow wide, straight going back to navigating, making Purcell shake his head, chuckling.

"Boss, we found the company building" Morzg perked up, printing in the direction.

"Lets go"

* * * *
"NAE GUSEUL" a woman wailed as I tore the packet of marbles open, letting them roll onto the ground.

Hearing a loud thud and groan, I turned around to see Jonghyun on the ground, holding his shoulder.

Scarlett took a sharp left, me following as we kept sprinting, both of us then taking the right.


Infront of us, was a wall with at least 4 metres height. There was no way we could get over alone.

"Scarlett, get on the bins over there, I'll give you a boost"

Both of us scrambled onto the bins. Bending down, I locked my hands together, making it secure for Scarlett's foot.
She put her foot in, and I threw her up, making her fly up to the top.

"There's enough bins to get down-"

"Over there!" Onew shouted.

In a flash, I turned back to face Scarlett.

"Go." I simply said.

"But I can't leave you-" she desperately tried to complain.

"Go! I'll be fine, just save yourself and go to the address Morzg gave us for emergancies" I raised my voice, standing now opposite the wall, facing the group of men, also known as SHINee.


"FUCK SAKE GO" and with hesitation, she leaped off the wall, running away with tears forming in her eyes.

I gave a short glance over my shoulder, sighing "no.1 rule of the yardies; Never leave family least one of us must get outta this, sorry Scalrett but today is the day our own rules break" I muttered to myself, stuffing the small paper I had into cleavage. Could come in handy.

They all kept coming closer, various emotions being seen. Most were smirks but some were angry, the other seemed more like Key on the first night- I don't want to re-live that.

"Aw, save your friend and sacrifice yourself, how cute" Onew smirked, cooing mockingly.

I steadied myself, holding onto the Lugar that was in my back pocket. I didn't dare respond as it was just amuse them more.

"Give it up cutie, you're trapped" Jonghyun chuckled, his head tilted upwards, showing him biting his lip.

Taking in a sharp breath, I pulled out the gun, cocking the safety back.

"Next person to step forward will be shot" my voice became a little wavey and un-secure as I glanced at Key.
Talking was a mistake.

"Oh, look at that; her bravery is faltering" Taemin brushed his silky black hair back with his slender fingers.

Onew stepped forward and I immediately pointed the gun in his direction.

"Come on, drop it~ we can work things out~" Onew looked my up and down, being the next person to bite his lips making me look away. I knew my clothes were torn because of running through the market.

My top was sliced open near the chest area, showing the laced bra I was wearing, the left sleave was hanging on the last few threads, the bottom and various rips and tears and the back had one huge tear from a nail sticking out, the jeans were ripped along my right calve, with a gash in my skin, and also along my left thigh was a huge tear with a gash that looked like an open whip mark.

My stare went back to the wall for 2 seconds, nontheless it was still too long. I turned my head only to come face to face with Taemin; stumbling back into the wall and clenching my teeth in agony as I hit my bad calve on the wall, making the gush even worse.

Taemin, let a small laugh escape, leaning his body onto my mine, pressing me into the wall and trapping me even more.

His hands grabbed my waist on eachside in a bruising grip before slowly sliding down to my back pockets, grabbing both the lugar and mp-40. Be threw them behind him and gently bit my neck.

I kept in the moan, but a sigh escaped through my nose. He moved back and gazed into my eyes, a huge cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"We would play with you more...but you're needed" his tone went from playful to utter monotone. My vision focused behind Taemin, seeing Key strut closer with a pair of handcuffs.

Oh great

As he finally made it over, he flipped my body, my chest, stomach and face pressed into the wall roughly.

"Be a good girl and it'll make everything easier-"

"Go fuck yourself" I spat, interrupting his little talk, obviously getting on his nerves slightly.

"Watch yourself hun, we don't need to recall matters" Key warned, placing a knee in between my legs to keep me in place, the handcuffs clicking lightly as they locked together.

As a matter of fact, the average person or, the 'normal' person would obey, fearing the consequences of trying to retaliate against their opponent, count me out for that.

As soon as the man removed my whole self from the wall, I began.

"Stop moving" he grunted.


"Stop kicking out I swear"

"Oh sorry 'mum'...fuckin twat"

"I will fucking cut your eye out"

"Ah get fucked low life" with that as my response, he whacked me onto the bonnet of the car. A groan of pain was the only answer I could give, as a girl it killed.

"Come again you bitch" Key growled.

"You should return to the garden centre, bags of dirt don't have legs" I retorted, still over the bonnet.

"If I could, I would show you who's the bag of dirt here" his voice was a low whisper, a threatening tone hanging off it.

"Go jack yourself off then sweetheart"

Key became silent; deciding to take a look at him, I had to keep in my laughter. His face was red and enraged was blantly the only emotion he could possibly show.

Without another word, he peeled me off the car and immediately shoved me into the back with Jonghyun and Minho. Onew and Taemin drove in another car, which seemed to be some bentley or something.

"Time to greet boss"

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