Chapter 3: That's what friends are for

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The day went great. He met twins and made new friends. As Dash was riding home, along with Vanessa on her skateboard. They were just chilling until the gang of boys arrived again. Trouble. Even though he was short and a bit thin he was ready. If he failed bones will be broken.
Faster, Faster
He made it without getting grabbed or caught. But then he felt as if he forgot something.
He turned around and sped back.
Theyr'e up to no good
He was right they tortured her and cursed her. He got there, punched the nearest gang member, grabbed Vanessa who was holding her board and he sped off. The punch was stinging and it hurt the guy but he held it in to seem tough.
Vanessa and he was in hot pursuit by the guys, but he didn't worry, he was on bike and they on foot. He laughed them from time to time. It fueled their anger but they soon gave up. We cintinued pur journey home.
"My birthday is next week." He tells Vanessa as we went along the road.
OK that's just rude.
"Nothing." He says. She looks at him. She saw his unhappy face. To her it looked cute.
"Thanks for the save back there." She tells him. He immediately smiled.
"Welcome." He says.
"Why'd you do it?" She says.
"Do what?" He questions
"You know, the rescuing thing." She replies annoyed.
"Oh that," he says "because that's what friends are for." He replied.

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