Beginning of the end

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"All passengers of the royal family please get aboard the space ship." The royal guard shouted. The planet Fibuloin, was due to be destroyed at any minute now, thanks to the overlord Gathtrix.
The Queen however was having a baby.
"Nurses can you speed up the process?" asked the king. Yup he is the king of the entire planet, yup the size of Jupiter and earth combined.
"Yes but it's going to be risky." She replied
"It's a chance we'll have to take!" The king said.
The nurses sped up the process and in a few minutes the baby was here, it was a boy!
"Quick! To the ship!" The king shouted holding the baby in his right arm and holding the Queen's hand in the other.
They made it to the ship and it took off just as the planet exploded. But the ship was affected badly, and the royal engineers were in the explosion.
"I can stop it but I will have to sacrifice mysel-"
"Don't!" The queen interrupted
"I have to, you guys head for a safe planet." The king said. The queen now had tears in her half human eyes. She knew she couldn't stop him now.
The king went and discharge all his power and strength to the failing engines. It worked but after he fell down, dead. The queen cryed even more when she saw him dead. They flew to earth, a safe place in their eyes to continue to raise the child. She was yet to decide a name so she decided to check for a name.

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