Chapter 44: Fight it Out

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Cripple woke up in yet another dream. This time, she was not in Twolegplace nor was there any fire. It was dark, and musty. Ash drifted down and irritated her eyes. She looked around, she recognized this place. This was where she saw Electricwind, moons ago, fighting an apprentice, and being watched by a grey and white tom.

Cripple started cautiously walking forward, each step as light as air. She didn't want any cat to hear here. 'Do their senses get sharper when they die?' She thought. Suddenly, Cripple heard yowling of fighting cats. She raced between the tall trees and prickly bushes, until she saw them up ahead. The pale sandy she cat halted and his under one of the thorny bushes. The thorns snagged at her pelt and she could barely keep herself from letting out a complaint. She narrowed her eyes and saw that there were four cats. Electricwind and Eclipsestorm were easy to pick out. But...

"Scourge?! Blackpaw?!" Cripple gasped. The cats did not seem to hear, as they were too focused on the battle.

"Come here! You rat!" Scourge hissed at Blackheart. Electricwind was struggling to keep eclipsestorm from breaking up the fight.

"Why should I?! As far as your concerned, i'm not your son!" Blackheart retorted. Scourge grabbed his son's scruff and banged him against a tree. Blackheart dug his claws into his father's left front leg and grasped his collar. The black warrior yanked and Scourge gasped and coughed blood.

"Your choking him! Stop!" Eclipsestorm wailed. From afar, he could tell that Darkheart was snickering at his failed attempts to get past Electricwind.

"Let them fight out their problems!" Electricwind stuttered. At last scourge drop to the ground in a coughing fit. But he hadn't lost the battle just yet.

Scourge coughed and cackled, "Look at you. You've beaten me. You tried to choke me and now you're watching. You're watching instead of putting me out of my misery. That's what i would have done, son. You're turning out just like your father, the merciless killer who watched his victims' life being pulled away from them."

Blackheart refused to listen to his words, "You can't manipulate me. Now, get up." Scourge staggered up and went to sit in the shadows, right beside Cripple's bush. She slunk deeper into it.

"Why did you bring me here? Stop!" Blackheart panted to Electricwind.

"It's your choice to come here or not. I'm not doing anything." She said in her sly voice.

"Then how do i not come here?!" Blackheart wailed.

"Am i supposed to know? We aren't all powerful, fox heart." Electricwind hissed. Blackheart's fur started to lay flat again, but he let out a little growl before plunging into the bushes. Cripple decided she had seen enough, she carefully dragged herself out of the bush and started running the way Blackheart went. But no matter how far she went, she couldn't find her son. 

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