Chapter 3

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It's game day. The day this whole team has been preparing for. The World Cup Final is today.

Before team breakfast Tobin goes to Christen's room knocking on the door to make sure they are awake.

Julie opens the door "Oh hey Tobin" she smiles "I'm actually heading to your room to talk to Kelley about something" the blonde lets Tobin in before walking out, closing the door behind her.

"J.J. who's at the- oh hey Tobes" Christen smiles.

"Are you nervous? I'm really nervous. I mean I'm starting in the World Cup Final, what if I mess up? What if I completely choke" Tobin rambles.

"Tobes" The dark haired girl says.

The midfielder doesn't notice "What if the coaches cut me from the roster after this."

"Tobin." Christen tries.

Still not noticing Tobin continues her ramble "Oh my god, what if I-"

Tobin is cut off by Christen grabbing the back of her neck and pulling her forward, connecting their lips in a kiss.

It takes the midfielder a moment to realize what is happening.

'Holy shit I'm actually kissing Christen' it registers in Tobin's mind.

The hazel eyed girl cups the forwards face, kissing her back.

Christen smiles as she pulls back "Sorry but you were rambling and not listening to me" she blushes lightly.

Tobin smiles widely "Maybe I should ramble more often"

Both girls chuckle.

"So I obviously like you and I don't know if you feel the same bu-" Christen is cut off by Tobin who connects their lips much like the forward did seconds before.

"I like you too" the light haired girl smiles.

"We should probably head to breakfast" the midfielder says.

"Oh yeah and nice hoodie by the way" Tobin smirks noticing her old UNC hoodie on Christen.


"Why is everyone being so quiet?" Abby Wambach asks as she stands up during breakfast.

The entire team has been particularly quiet all of breakfast.

"We're nervous" Alex responds.

"Nervous about what? Guys we are going to rock this final. We are going to claim what is ours and get that third star. Japan is entering our domain. There is no way in hell that I'm letting them win again. Now who's with me?" The tall forward finishes.

"I believe" Kling says lowly, standing up.

"I believe" Carli says in the same low voice as Kling, following her actions.

"I believe that" Pinoe says getting a little louder as she stands.

"I believe that" Syd copies Pinoe.

"I believe that we will win" Tobin says standing followed by her other teammates.

"I believe that we will win" the team chants in unison as they jump up and down.

"We are going to win this Final. Not for us. But for our Nation. Am I right girls?" Carli says.


The team is in the locker room before the game getting prepared and doing their pregame rituals.

Abby looks around at all the girls.

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